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mustard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mustards, plural;
  1. A pungent-tasting yellow or brown paste made from the crushed seeds of certain plants, typically eaten with meat or used as a cooking ingredient

  2. The yellow-flowered Eurasian plant of the cabbage family whose seeds are used to make this paste

  3. Used in names of related plants, only some of which are used to produce mustard for the table, e.g., hedge mustard

  4. A dark yellow color

  1. any of several cruciferous plants of the genus Brassica
  2. pungent powder or paste prepared from ground mustard seeds
  3. leaves eaten as cooked greens
  4. The Multi-Unit Space Transport And Recovery Device or MUSTARD was a concept explored by the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) around 1964-1965 for launching payloads weighing as much as 5,000 lb. into orbit. MUSTARD was a winged three-stage reusable vehicle which used the triamese concept.
  5. Mustard is the second solo album by Roy Wood, who wrote and produced every track and painted the cartoon-style cover. It was completed and released about the same time as he disbanded his group Wizzard. ...
  6. Mustard is a color that resembles culinary mustard. It is similar to the color Flax. This color was popular during the mid-1970s and is regaining popularity.
  7. Mustard is a condiment made from the seeds of a mustard plant (white or yellow mustard, Sinapis hirta; brown or Indian mustard, Brassica juncea; or black mustard, Brassica nigra). ...
  8. a plant of the genus Brassica, with yellow flowers, and linear seed pods; a powder or paste made from seeds of the mustard plant, and used as a condiment or a spice; a dark yellow colour, the colour of mustard; The tomalley of a crab, which resembles the condiment; of a dark yellow colour
  9. (Mustards) Vapors: 4 to 6 hours, eyes and lungs affected more rapidly; Skin: 2 to 48 hours
  10. To see mustard growing, and green, foretells success and joy to the farmer, and to the seafaring it prognosticates wealth. To eat mustard seed and feel the burning in your mouth, denotes that you will repent bitterly some hasty action, which has caused you to suffer. ...
  11. A spice with a pungent flavor, available as seeds or ground, or a condiment prepared with it.
  12. This may have been in the form of seed, for mustard plants, cress, sorrel, and other such small plants were sometimes grown on board in the belief that they, too, helped prevent scurvy. Wood sorrel actually does have some vitamin C, but you have to eat a lot of it.
  13. Several kinds of mustard-plant grow in the Holy Land, either wild, as the charlock, Sinapis arvensis, and the white mustard, S. Alba, or cultivated, as S. nigra, which last seems the one intended in the Gospel. ...
  14. Mustard generally contains husked seed, plus wheat flour and turmeric. Water is added to produce a thick paste.
  15. A plant of the genus sinapis, a pod-bearing, shrub-like plant, growing wild, and also cultivated in gardens. The little round seeds were an emblem of any small insignificant object. ...
  16. Any of several culinary herbs grown for its acrid seeds. Mustard seeds can be ground into a powder that can be prepared into a table condiment containing mustard, sugar, vinegar and turmeric (which gives it its bright yellow color).
  17. Usually used to describe Dandie Dinmont Terriers, this color is like the color of the spice; i.e., a dull, highly saturated, brown-yellow. Color definitions may vary by breed. Always check the breed standard for the definitive color description.
  18. All of these terms for "mustard" mean "child feces" or "children's feces", presumably after the color and texture rather than the flavour. It is unclear why "mustard" is called "children's feces" rather than "baby's feces", which would seem more appropriate. ...
  19. Mustard is one of the oldest spices and one of the most widely used. The Chinese were using mustard thousands of years ago and the ancient Greeks considered it an everyday spice. Mustard was used in ancient Greece and Rome as a medicine by 800 AD. ...
  20. The only thing that stays hot in the fridge
  21. Fast pitch, as in, "He put the mustard on that one!"
  22. (Brassica nigra) well known for its hot-flavored seeds is referred to by Jesus for having small seeds which grow into a tree (Matthew 13:31-32).
  23. Mustard is a spice with a sharp taste used to flavour many foods. It is made from mustard seed ( a member of the cabbage family) and comes in many varieties. The varieties sold in America and France (Dijon mustard) and mild and sometimes almost sweet. ...
  24. Yellow substance in a cooked crab under the carapace. Has a strong taste and is part of the crab's digestive system.
  25. (Brassica hirta – yellow or white; Brassica juncea – brown or black) belongs to the Cruciferae family, and is one of the oldest and most used spices, native to both Europe and Southwestern Asia. ...