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muss 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mussed, past participle; musses, 3rd person singular present; mussing, present participle; mussed, past tense;
  1. Make (someone's hair or clothes) untidy or messy
    • - she sat down carefully so she wouldn't muss her clothes
  1. A state of disorder

  1. make messy or untidy; "the child mussed up my hair"
  2. mess: a state of confusion and disorderliness; "the house was a mess"; "she smoothed the mussiness of the bed"
  3. Sancti Spíritus Airport is an airport serving Sancti Spíritus, the capital city of the Sancti Spíritus Province in Cuba.
  4. a disorderly mess; to rumple to tousle or make (something) untidy
  5. Student section of Rice-Eccles Stadium. The second verse of the U of U fight song includes the phrase “no other gang of college men dare meet us in a muss.” Muss is an archaic, early 20th century term that means something like “brawl. ...