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muffle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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muffled, past tense; muffles, 3rd person singular present; muffling, present participle; muffled, past participle;
  1. Wrap or cover for warmth
    • - on a chair by the far wall, muffled in an absurd overcoat
  2. Cover or wrap up (a source of sound) to reduce its loudness
    • - the soft beat of a muffled drum
  3. Make (a sound) quieter or less distinct
    • - his voice was muffled
  4. Restrain or conceal (someone) with wrappings
    • - the boy was bound and muffled
  1. A receptacle in a furnace or kiln in which things can be heated without contact with combustion products

  1. a kiln with an inner chamber for firing things at a low temperature
  2. smother: conceal or hide; "smother a yawn"; "muffle one's anger"; "strangle a yawn"
  3. deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
  4. (muffled) dull: being or made softer or less loud or clear; "the dull boom of distant breaking waves"; "muffled drums"; "the muffled noises of the street"; "muted trumpets"
  5. (muffled) wrapped up especially for protection or secrecy; "children muffled almost to the eyebrows"
  6. A muffle furnace (sometimes, retort furnace) in historical usage is a furnace in which the subject material is isolated from the fuel and all of the products of combustion including gases and flying ash. ...
  7. Anything that mutes or deadens sound; A warm piece of clothing for the hands; A kiln or furnace, often electric, with no direct flames; To wrap up (a person, face etc. ...
  8. (Muffled) Sounds like it is covered with a blanket. Weak highs or weak upper mids.
  9. (MUFFLES) Wax ear plugs. Less comfortable than the foam ones but more effective. From most chemists.
  10. (Muffles) a chipmunk suit created by Furr Happens. Muffles is fond of stuffing things in his cheeks, including cheeseburgers
  11. (Muffling) Sometimes it is necessary to muffle a drum to reduce excessive overtones. There are many types of muffling options whether internal or external (thick sticky tape will also do).
  12. Large refractory pot set inside the firing chamber forming an inner chamber to contain the pipes firing free from direct contact with the flame.
  13. a small furnace. IGCB used for baking painted labels and probably for heating, preheating and garaging  In ceramics, a burned fuel (non-electric) kiln with indirect heating, therefore a muffle wall to block the flame. MF  A place for heating materials without direct action of the fire. ...
  14. The inner lining of a kiln that protects the ware from the direct impingement of the flame.
  15. to reduce the sound of an instrument, for example, on a drum, by placing a cloth over the drumhead
  16. the portion of a furnace, usually removable or replaceable, in which material may be placed for processing without direct exposure to heating element