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mow 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mows, 3rd person singular present; mown, past participle; mowing, present participle; mowed, past tense;
  1. Cut down (an area of grass) with a machine
    • - Roger mowed the lawn
    • - the smell of newly mown grass
  2. Cut down (grass or a cereal crop) with a scythe or a sickle

  1. A stack of hay, grain, or other similar crop
    • - the hay mow
  2. A place in a barn where such a stack is put

  1. cut with a blade or mower; "mow the grass"
  2. hayloft: a loft in a barn where hay is stored
  3. pout: make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip; "mop and mow"; "The girl pouted"
  4. lawn mower: garden tool for mowing grass on lawns
  5. Mao (also sometimes called Mü, Maw, Mile, 5-Card Mao, Chairman, The Chairman's Game, Dictator, Point of Order, Bjorn, Maul, Maal, Maui, Mauii, Peebo, Mau, King Mao, Meow, or Moneyclip) is a card game of the Shedding family, in which the aim is to get rid of all of the cards in hand without ...
  6. A mower is a machine for cutting crops or plants that grow on the ground. A smaller mower used for lawns and sports grounds (playing fields) is called a lawn mower or grounds mower, which is often self-powered, or may also be small enough to be pushed by the operator. ...
  7. A stack of hay, corn, beans or a barn for the storage of hay, corn, beans; To cut something (especially grass or crops) down or knock down
  8. Meals on Wheels
  9. (mower) Somebody who mows; A lawnmower
  10. (Mowing) The periodic cutting of a lawn area to a specified height.
  11. (Mowing) Heb. gez ), rendered in Psa 72:6 "mown grass." The expression "king's mowings" (Amo 7:1) refers to some royal right of early pasturage, the first crop of grass for the cavalry (Compare Kg1 18:5).
  12. (Mowing) Mechanical cutting of grass, edging and trimming.
  13. (Mowing) means cutting or knocking down the standing herbage. (Webster)
  14. (The Mows) Although not really characters in their own right, the mows still must be mentioned for sake of authenticity. Mows appear to have been created accidentally during an insane experiment by two of Jyrras' assistants in his absence (as documented in strip #363). ...
  15. To cut the standing grass or grain or similar produce with a scythe, sickle, or machine. To cut close to the ground short standing grass with a lawn mower.
  16. Not a Variety creation, this stands for movie of the week; "Cable tries MOW wow"
  17. To cut leaves in the lawn, close to the soil. (TG)
  18. Maintenance of Way. There are many kinds of rail cars that are owned by a railroad company to inspect and repair track, ties, ballast, etc. These special railroad cars are called MOW equipment or MOW cars. ...
  19. Minister of War. Alliance leaders can chose one member of their alliance to be a Minister of War, their primarily used to coordinate squad movement.
  20. Movie of the week - tv term