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mothball 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mothballs, plural;
  1. Store (clothes) among or in mothballs

  2. Stop using (a piece of equipment or a building) but keep it in good condition so that it can readily be used again

  3. Cancel or postpone work on (a plan or project)
    • - plans to invest in four superstores have been mothballed
  1. A small pellet of a pungent substance, typically naphthalene, put among stored clothes to keep away moths

  1. a small sphere of camphor or naphthalene used to keep moths away from stored clothing
  2. put into long-term storage
  3. Mothballs are small balls of chemical pesticide and deodorant used when storing clothing and other articles susceptible to damage from mold or moth larvae (especially clothes moths like Tineola bisselliella). Another remedy used for the same purpose is cedar wood balls. ...
  4. A substance that was used to increase the octane rating in gasoline. It had a marginal effect in increasing octane.
  5. to inactivate something disused for preserved storage as a reserve; by extension of the protective storage process for textiles with balls of naphthalene or camphor; see BONEYARD, TOMB, DUMP, CANNIBALIZE; compare STANDBY. ...
  6. take no further action and leave the facility in place, as is. Hazardous building materials and environmental contaminants, if any, would be left in place to be dealt with at a later time, possibly during a future demolition project.