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mortify 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mortifies, 3rd person singular present; mortified, past participle; mortifying, present participle; mortified, past tense;
  1. Cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated
    • - she was mortified to see her wrinkles in the mirror
    • - she refused to accept this mortifying disgrace
  2. Subdue (the body or its needs and desires) by self-denial or discipline
    • - return to heaven by mortifying the flesh
  3. (of flesh) Be affected by gangrene or necrosis
    • - the cut in Henry's arm had mortified

  1. practice self-denial of one's body and appetites
  2. hold within limits and control; "subdue one's appetites"; "mortify the flesh"
  3. humiliate: cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; "He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss"
  4. necrose: undergo necrosis; "the tissue around the wound necrosed"
  5. (mortifying) embarrassing: causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation; "the embarrassing moment when she found her petticoat down around her ankles"; "it was mortifying to know he had heard every word"
  6. (mortifying) demeaning: causing awareness of your shortcomings; "golf is a humbling game"
  7. (mortification) chagrin: strong feelings of embarrassment
  8. (mortification) necrosis: the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)
  9. (mortification) humiliation: an instance in which you are caused to lose your prestige or self-respect; "he had to undergo one humiliation after another"
  10. (mortification) (Christianity) the act of mortifying the lusts of the flesh by self-denial and privation (especially by bodily pain or discomfort inflicted on yourself)
  11. (mortified) gangrenous: suffering from tissue death
  12. (mortified) embarrassed: made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride; "too embarrassed to say hello to his drunken father on the street"; "humiliated that his wife had to go out to work"; "felt mortified by the comparison with her sister"
  13. (Mortification (album)) Mortification is Mortification's second studio release and eponymous debut album, released in 1991. The album before was a demo. This album leans more towards death metal, but still keeps itself in the ways of thrash.
  14. (Mortification (band)) Mortification is an Australian Christian extreme metal band. As one of the first and most successful Christian extreme metal bands in the world,Interviews by Gary Garson and Peter Schultz, translations by J. Grym, additional notes by Mape Ollila. . ...
  15. (Mortification (theology)) Mortification refers in Christian theology to the subjective experience of Sanctification, the objective work of God between justification and glorification. Literally it means the 'putting to death' of sin in a believer's life. (Colossians 3:5) J.I. ...
  16. Mortified is an Australian children's television series, co-produced by the Australian Children's Television Foundation and Enjoy Entertainment for the Nine Network Australia, Disney Australia and the BBC. ...
  17. To kill. [14th-17th c.]; To reduce the potency of; to nullify; to deaden, neutralize. [14th-18th c.]; To kill off (living tissue etc.); to make necrotic. [15th-18th c.]; To discipline (one's body, appetites etc.) by suppressing desires; to practise abstinence on. [from 15th c. ...
  18. (Mortification) Gangrene of necrotic tissue.
  19. (Mortification) Death or decay of one part of a living body; gangrene or necrosis; infection. (as stated on
  20. (Mortification) Self-denial. St. Augustine says that by denying ourselves certain legitimate desires we strengthen ourselves to resist illegitimate desires. ...
  21. (Mortification) To dream that you feel mortified over any deed committed by yourself, is a sign that you will be placed in an unenviable position before those to whom you most wish to appear honorable and just. Financial conditions will fall low. ...
  22. (mortification) A procedure in which rituals employed by coercive organizations render individuals vulnerable to institutional control, discipline, and resocialization.
  23. To change or destroy the normal, external form or appearance of a substance.
  24. Gangrene or infection, death of tissue, generally from an initial trauma or wound. (Currently, the common vernacular definition is humiliation or to wound one’s pride)
  25. Subdue passions by discipline.