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monopolize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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monopolizing, present participle; monopolising, present participle; monopolized, past participle; monopolised, past participle; monopolised, past tense; monopolises, 3rd person singular present; monopolizes, 3rd person singular present; monopolized, past tense;
  1. (of an organization or group) Obtain exclusive possession or control of (a trade, commodity, or service)

  2. Have or take the greatest share of
    • - the bigger teams monopolize the most profitable sponsorships and TV deals
  3. Get or keep exclusively to oneself
    • - Sophie monopolized the guest of honor for most of the evening

  1. have and control fully and exclusively; "He monopolizes the laser printer"
  2. have or exploit a monopoly of; "OPEC wants to monopolize oil"
  3. (monopolization) domination (of a market or commodity) to the exclusion of others
  4. In economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos / μονος (alone or single) + polein / πωλειν (to sell)) exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it ...
  5. The term monopolization refers to an offense under Section 2 of the American Sherman Antitrust Act, passed in 1890. Section 2 states that any person "who shall monopolize . . . any part of the trade or commerce among the several states, or with foreign nations shall be deemed guilty of a felony. ...
  6. To have a monopoly on something; To dominate something by excluding everyone else