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monogram 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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monograms, plural;
  1. Decorate with a monogram
    • - monogrammed sheets
  1. A motif of two or more letters, typically a person's initials, usually interwoven or otherwise combined in a decorative design, used as a logo or to identify a personal possession

  1. a graphic symbol consisting of 2 or more letters combined (usually your initials); printed on stationery or embroidered on clothing
  2. A monogram is a motif made by overlapping or combining two or more letters or other graphemes to form one symbol. Monograms are often made by combining the initials of an individual or a company, used as recognizable symbols or logos. ...
  3. A picture drawn in line only, before the colour and/or shading is applied; an outline sketch; To mark something with a monogram
  4. (MONOGRAMMING) A once-common practice of adding initials to flatware and holloware.
  5. (Monogramming) Process used to place intials, names, titles and positions on textiles, generally done with the embroidery process.
  6. (monogramming) embroidered personal initials or a logo.
  7. Monograms include a person’s or a couple’s initials and personalize any invitation, enclosure or thank you card they are printed upon. ...
  8. (MONOGRAMS) Any initial or group of initials that normally cannot be typeset in position, and most often require special stripping. Letters may be intertwined, positioned at an angle, or enclosed by another process or other type.
  9. (Monograms) Large letters sewn using sideways feed.
  10. (Monograms) Unfortunately monogrammed bags are not eligible for a return.
  11. Monograms can be used on most accessories, and sometimes on the front of invitations or informal cards. Each catalog has a different policy on Monograms and this can be discussed if interested in printing your monogram on certain items.
  12. Embroidered design composed of one or more letters, usually the initials in a name.
  13. 1978. Ms. Centrediscs CMC-0382 (Kubálek)
  14. pictograph weaving several letters into one figure to express the name of a person, place or organisation.
  15. A badge composed of different letters or initials.
  16. A combination of letters, usually initials of a proper name, or an abbreviated signature. Many artists, and engravers in particular, have signed their work with a monogram; those whose names have remained unknown are called monogrammists.
  17. Shortest, but not necessarily simplest type of letter combination where two or more letters are combined into a single sign or cipher.
  18. set of letters combined into one (used of Chi-Rho)
  19. A stylized arrangement of initials (usually three), often using two different sized characters without periods. In monograms, the first name initial is placed first, followed by the last name initial (usually larger) and the middle initial (same size as first initial).
  20. A symbol comprised of conjoined letters
  21. noun. One, two, or three initials representing your name that are inscribed or monogrammed into one’s belongings.
  22. An personalized marking consisting of initials, often artistically engraved or inlaid in which the letter for the surname is central and prominent.  Photo
  23. Usually refers to one, two, or three sewn initials of an individual’s name sometimes used with a decorative border.
  24. (mn-grm) n. A design composed of one or more letters, typically the initials of a name, used as an identifying mark. tr.v. mon·o·grammed also mon·o·gramed, mon·o·gram·ming also mon·o·gram·ing, mon·o·grams also mon·o·grams
  25. Sewn or embroidered design consisting of stylized letters-typically three or fewer-that represent the initial(s) of a person or organization.