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molt 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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moults, 3rd person singular present; moulting, present participle; molted, past participle; moulted, past tense; molts, 3rd person singular present; molting, present participle; moulted, past participle; molted, past tense;
  1. (of an animal) Shed old feathers, hair, or skin, or an old shell, to make way for a new growth
    • - the adult birds were already molting into their winter shades of gray
    • - the snake molts its skin
  2. (of hair or feathers) Fall out to make way for new growth
    • - the last of his juvenile plumage had molted
  1. A loss of plumage, skin, or hair, esp. as a regular feature of an animal's life cycle

  1. periodic shedding of the cuticle in arthropods or the outer skin in reptiles
  2. shed: cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; "our dog sheds every Spring"
  3. In biology, moulting or molting (both pronounced), also known as sloughing, shedding, or for some species, ecdysis) is the manner in which an animal routinely casts off a part of its body (often but not always an outer layer or covering), either at specific times of year, or at specific points ...
  4. (Molting (Arthropoda)) Ecdysis is the moulting of the cuticula in arthropods and related groups (Ecdysozoa). Since the cuticula of these animals is also the skeletal support (the exoskeleton) of the body and is inelastic, it is shed during growth and a new, larger covering is formed. ...
  5. The skin or feathers cast off during the process of molting; To shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc. and replace it by a fresh layer; To shed in such a manner
  6. (Molting) The shedding of the exoskeleton of crustaceans in order to grow.
  7. (molting) to lose the old skin or exoskeleton; similar to shedding
  8. (Molting) Or ecdysis, is the shedding of an old cuticle and formation of a new one.
  9. (Molting) The growing method of arthropods. The arthropod discards its original small exoskeleton and grows a new larger one
  10. (Molting) The process of shedding and then regrowing feathers in laying hens. It corresponds with a period of no egg laying.
  11. (Molting) the normal shedding of fur, which happens naturally one to four times a year.
  12. (molting) the regular shedding of an outer body covering such as fur, skin or feathers. Occurs in Hawaiian monk seals.
  13. (molting) when the spider sheds its skin
  14. (Molts) to shed hair, feathers, shell, horns, or an outer layer periodically.
  15. To shed or cast off (such as skin, hair or feathers) followed by replacement through continued growth. Molting is often associated with the changes from immature to mature stages among the various insect groups.
  16. The act of shedding or changing fur.
  17. In insects and other arthropods, the shedding of skin before entering another stage of growth.
  18. (as a verb) To shed fur, feathers, or a shell before they are replaced with new growth. Horseshoe crabs molt their chitin shells 16 to 17 times before they reach adulthood. Once they are adults, they cease to molt.
  19. shed an outer covering or skin (cuticle); in insects, usually occurs during the pupal stage
  20. To shed a coat (fur), feathers or skin. In the Summer, mammals molt their winter coats. Birds often molt old feathers for new ones. Insect larvae and crayfish molt their exoskeletons (outer skin or shell) for newer, larger ones.
  21. To lose feathers and then regrow them. In the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, molting of the wing and tail feathers normally occurs on the wintering grounds. ...
  22. The periodic shedding and replacement of feathers. Different species have different methods of molting. ...
  23. To shed portions of the skin, feather, or hair.
  24. the casting off of the outgrown skin (exoskeleton) during growth.
  25. An animal sheds an old skin to reveal a new skin beneath it.