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moil 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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moiling, present participle; moils, 3rd person singular present; moiled, past participle; moiled, past tense;
  1. Work hard
    • - men who moiled for gold
  2. Move around in confusion or agitation
    • - a crowd of men and women moiled in the smoky haze
  1. Hard work; drudgery

  2. Turmoil; confusion
    • - the moil of his intimate thoughts

  1. labor: work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"
  2. churn: be agitated; "the sea was churning in the storm"
  3. moisten or soil; "Her tears moiled the letter"
  4. Moil is a northern suburb of the city of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.
  5. Hard work; Confusion, turmoil; An unwanted rim of glass left after blow molding; To toil, to work hard; To churn continually
  6. (moiling) marked by confusion and turmoil.
  7. Residual glass remaining on the tip of a blowpipe after detaching the blown bottle (Kulasiewicz 1974).
  8. The unwanted top of a blown object. Removed after annealing, usually by cracking off.
  9. work hard, to labor; to toil; to drudge.
  10. is the glass remaining on a punty, or blowpipe, after a gob has been cut off for pressing, or after a piece of ware has been blown and cracked off.