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misplace 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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misplaced, past participle; misplaces, 3rd person singular present; misplacing, present participle; misplaced, past tense;
  1. Put in the wrong place and lose temporarily because of this; mislay
    • - I'm sure the jewelry has just been misplaced, and not stolen

  1. place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I misplaced my eyeglasses"
  2. place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position; "misplaced modifiers"
  3. (misplaced) mislaid: lost temporarily; as especially put in an unaccustomed or forgotten place; "the mislaid hat turned up eventually"; "misplaced tickets"
  4. (misplacement) malposition: faulty position
  5. Misplaced is the fifth album by DGM
  6. To put something somewhere and then forget its location; to mislay; To apply one's talents inappropriately; To put something in the wrong location
  7. (misplaced) Uncomfortable, especially due to one's surroundings; Lost; disoriented
  8. (Misplaced) Lost, or in the case of Ontario Locator a place name where existence and location cannot be confirmed
  9. (3.5.2 – Misplacement) In those instances in which a new Associate is placed in a location in the binary structure that is different than what either the new Associate or his or her Sponsor intended (e.g. ...