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mislay 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mislaid, past tense; mislaid, past participle; mislays, 3rd person singular present; mislaying, present participle;
  1. Unintentionally put (an object) where it cannot readily be found and so lose it temporarily
    • - I seem to have mislaid my car keys

  1. misplace: place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I misplaced my eyeglasses"
  2. (mislaid) lost temporarily; as especially put in an unaccustomed or forgotten place; "the mislaid hat turned up eventually"; "misplaced tickets"
  3. Lost, mislaid, and abandoned property is a category of the common law of property which deals with personal property which has left the possession of its rightful owner without having directly entered the possession of another person.
  4. To leave or lay something in the wrong place and then forget where one put it
  5. a brazen or promiscuous young woman.