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miscue 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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miscues, plural;
  1. (of a performer, esp. an actor on stage) Miss one's cue, or answer to another's cue

  2. Give (a performer) the wrong cue

  1. An error in reading, esp. one caused by failure to respond correctly to a phonetic or contextual cue in the text

  1. a faulty shot in billiards; the cue tip slips off the cue ball
  2. slip: a minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc.
  3. In a cue sport, to make an error in hitting the ball with the cue; The act of missing one's cue or of responding to a cue intended for another actor; A miss of the object one intended to hit; To give an incorrect cue
  4. A stroke in which the cue's tip glances or slips off the cue ball not effectively transferring the intended force. Usually the result is a bungled shot.
  5. A mistake by the DJ or production engineer resulting in two audio elements being played at the same time, eg an interview and the next song.
  6. Coined by Ken Goodman in the mid 1960s, a miscue is any departure from the text when reading orally. ...
  7. A miscue occurs when the cue tip slides off the cue ball possibly due to a contact that is too eccentric or to insufficient chalk on the tip. It is usually accompanied by a sharp sound and evidenced by a discoloration of the tip. ...
  8. A context cue (q.v.) which in a given situation misleads a reader so that his anticipation of a subsequent word is incorrect.
  9. A situation when the audio element begins too soon so the end result is two audio sources playing at the same time.
  10. slip-up; mistake; fault; blunder.
  11. A decoding error in reading.