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misconceive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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misconceives, 3rd person singular present; misconceived, past tense; misconceived, past participle; misconceiving, present participle;
  1. Fail to understand correctly
    • - she was frustrated by professors who consistently misconceived her essays
  2. Judge or plan badly, typically on the basis of faulty understanding
    • - criticism of the trade surplus in Washington is misconceived
    • - misconceived notions about gypsies

  1. misconstrue: interpret in the wrong way; "Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism"; "She misconstrued my remarks"
  2. to misunderstand
  3. (misconceiving) Having false ideas; misleading
  4. (misconceived) Having no foundation, or no reasonable prospect of success.