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misapply 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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misapplied, past tense; misapplied, past participle; misapplying, present participle; misapplies, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Use (something) for the wrong purpose or in the wrong way
    • - once new technology is adopted, it is often underused or misapplied

  1. apply to a wrong thing or person; apply badly or incorrectly; "The words are misapplied in this context"; "You are misapplying the name of this religious group"
  2. (misapplication) wrong use or application
  3. (misapplication) embezzlement: the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else
  4. To apply incorrectly; to misuse
  5. (misapplied) Refers to the usage of a taxon name for an incorrect plant; such names are homonyms and also synonyms of the plants to which they truly describe.
  6. to apply, deliberately or otherwise, a name in a sense which is not correct under the provisions of the Code (e.g. in a manner not in accord with the name-bearing type).