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minimize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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minimising, present participle; minimised, past tense; minimises, 3rd person singular present; minimizes, 3rd person singular present; minimized, past tense; minimized, past participle; minimizing, present participle; minimised, past participle;
  1. Reduce (something, esp. something unwanted or unpleasant) to the smallest possible amount or degree
    • - the aim is to minimize costs
  2. Represent or estimate at less than the true value or importance
    • - they may minimize, or even overlook, the importance of such beliefs

  1. make small or insignificant; "Let's minimize the risk"
  2. understate: represent as less significant or important
  3. cause to seem less serious; play down; "Don't belittle his influence"
  4. (minimized) reduced to the smallest possible size or amount or degree
  5. In mathematics, maxima and minima, known collectively as extrema (singular: extremum), are the largest value (maximum) or smallest value (minimum), that a function takes in a point either within a given neighborhood (local extremum) or on the function domain in its entirety (global or absolute ...
  6. (Minimization (psychology)) Minimisation is a type of deceptionGuerrero, L., Anderson, P., Afifi, W. (2007). Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships (2nd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications. ...
  7. To make (something) as small or as insignificant as possible; (transitive) To cause a window to disappear without closing the program or file or discarding any data
  8. (minimizes) Man-powered beats sail beats motorboat beats seaplane. Human-powered boats (canoes and rowboats) have the right of way over sailboats, which in turn have the right of way over powerboats, and even they have the right of way over seaplanes. ...
  9. (Minimization) A comprehensive program to minimize or eliminate wastes, usually applied to wastes at their point of origin. (See: waste minimization.)
  10. (Minimization) A method of allocation used, particularly in small trials, to provide comparison groups that are closely similar for several variables. It can be done with or without a component of randomization. ...
  11. (Minimization) One of the simple function-building operations of recursive function theory. Roughly, if we are given a computable function f(x,y), then we posit another function g which computes the least value of y (a natural number) such that f(x,y) = 0. ...
  12. (minimization) A deprecated feature which allowed short URLs to match long paths. Details are in the Backward Compatibility section in the manual.
  13. (minimization) Measures or techniques that reduce the amount of wastes generated during industrial production processes; this term also is applied to recycling and other efforts to reduce the volume of waste going to landfills. ...
  14. (Minimizing) A type of blame in which actions that cannot be denied are admitted in partial form and their consequences downplayed.
  15. (minimizing) Installing the minimum number of core Oracle Solaris OS package necessary
  16. To reduce a window to an icon on the taskbar or at the bottom of an application window. The Minimize button  (WinXP) (Vista) is on the window's Title bar.
  17. A button used to hide an application that is currently displayed on the screen. The window is removed and represented with an icon on the desktop or taskbar.
  18. Minimizing the curent window collapses it temporarily and sends it (still running) to the Task Bar.
  19. To minimize the size or appearance of a window; in some cases this means to hide the window. See also maximize.
  20. Shrinking a window down to a title on the task bar. Done by clicking on the minimize button in the upper-right corner.
  21. to represent as having the least degree of importance, value, or size
  22. ^[6] Reducing the amount of hazardous material present at any one time. Example: The old batch process for the manufacture of nitro-glycerin, The reaction was carried out using 1 tonne of material, the reason is because the time scale was long 92 hours). ...
  23. I never really understood the use of this tab. You can easily minimize game's window instead. It you don´t close the game window but don´t do anything in it, this tab will keep you logged a bit more.
  24. refers to making a window smaller. Click on the down arrow in the upper-left hand corner of the window.
  25. A term used in a GUI operating system that uses windows. It refers to reducing a window to an icon, or a label at the bottom of the screen, allowing another window to be viewed.