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mime 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mimes, plural;
  1. Use gesture and movement without words in the acting of (a play or role)

  2. Convey an impression of (an idea or feeling) by gesture and movement, without using words; mimic (an action or set of actions) in this way
    • - he stands up and mimes throwing a spear
  1. The theatrical technique of suggesting action, character, or emotion without words, using only gesture, expression, and movement

  2. A theatrical performance or part of a performance using such a technique

  3. An action or set of actions intended to convey the idea of another action or an idea or feeling
    • - he performed a brief mime of someone fencing
  4. A practitioner of mime or a performer in a mime

  5. (in ancient Greece and Rome) A simple farcical drama including mimicry

  1. an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression
  2. mimic: imitate (a person or manner), especially for satirical effect; "The actor mimicked the President very accurately"
  3. a performance using gestures and body movements without words
  4. A mime artist (from Greek "μίμος" - mimos, "imitator, actor") is someone who uses mime as a theatrical medium or as a performance art, involving miming, or the acting out a story through body motions, without use of speech. ...
  5. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an Internet standard that extends the format of e-mail to support: * Text in character sets other than ASCII * Non-text attachments * Message bodies with multiple parts * Header information in non-ASCII character sets
  6. Though each Final Fantasy story is independent, many aspects of gameplay have remained relatively consistent throughout the series.
  7. This is a list of fictional characters from Happy Tree Friends. There are 22 main characters, and some other supporting characters.
  8. A form of acting without words; pantomime; A pantomime actor; A classical theatrical entertainment in the form of farce; A performer of such a farce; A person who mimics others in a comical manner; To mimic; To act without words; To represent an action or object through gesture, without the use ...
  9. Originally a standard for defining the types of files attached to standard Internet mail messages. The MIME standard has come to be used in many situations where one cmputer programs needs to communicate with another program about what kind of file is being sent. ...
  10. A method of attaching multimedia files (images, audio, video) or an application to an email message, which would otherwise only be capable of transmitting ASCII characters. Most servers and email clients are now MIME compliant.
  11. Short for Multipurpose Internet Email Extensions, a protocol that allows users to transfer non-text messages like audio, video and images through e-mail.
  12. An Internet standard for defining document types. MIME type examples: text/plain, text/html, image/gif, image/jpg.
  13. An Internet standard for transferring file non-text-based data such as sounds, films, and images.
  14. Although mime is a theatrical tradition that goes back centuries if not millennia, in a specifically film and television context the term refers to the practice of pretending to be producing a sound that is in fact being generated elsewhere. ...
  15. MIME is a transfer protocol that facilitates audio, video and image files through email.
  16. The most popular method for encoding messages and email attachment. It stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. Eudora Light automatically converts your messages and attachments into MIME format without any extra effort on your part. ...
  17. multimedia mail enhancements to the Internet mail standard.
  18. A scheme for specifying the data type of digital material.
  19. Abbreviation for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. The MIME-type of a file defines what type of file it is. Based on this, a web browser decides what to do during and after downloading the file. The user can instruct his browser what to do with files of a particular type.
  20. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. A series of RFCs that describe standards for embedding binary and multipart messages within RFC-822 mail. Besides being used for mail transport, MIME is used as an underlevel by important application protocols including HTTP and BEEP.
  21. A MIME type is used to identify data type or format. It was initially used for e-mail exchanges then for HTTP. ...
  22. MIME content types are the standard way of denoting the nature of a file transmitted over the Web. Originally, the e‐mail protocol supported only plain text. ...
  23. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, a method of linking binary code into e- mail. Much vaunted as the future standard for moving binary information by e-mail, but is not as popular as the traditional method of UUencoding files.
  24. An ancient art form based on pantomime in which conventionalized gestures are used to express ideas rather than represent actions; also, a performer of mime.
  25. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension. A definitive list of file types used by e-mail clients and Web browsers (among others) to determine how to process the content of a file.