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mew 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mewed, past participle; mewed, past tense; mewing, present participle; mews, 3rd person singular present;
  1. (esp. of a trained hawk) Molt

  2. Confine (a trained hawk) to a cage or building at the time of molting

  1. A cage or building for trained hawks, esp. while they are molting

  1. meow: cry like a cat; "the cat meowed"
  2. meow: the sound made by a cat (or any sound resembling this)
  3. the common gull of Eurasia and northeastern North America
  4. utter a high-pitched cry, as of seagulls
  5. (mews) street lined with buildings that were originally private stables but have been remodeled as dwellings; "she lives in a Chelsea mews"
  6. Mew is a Danish alternative music band consisting of Jonas Bjerre, Bo Madsen, and Silas Utke Graae Jørgensen. Bassist Johan Wohlert was also a founding member of the band, but left in 2006. ...
  7. (Mewed) Cat communication consists of a range of methods by which cats communicate with humans, other cats and other animals. The communication methods include posture, movement (including "quick, fine" movements not generally perceived by humans), auditory and chemical signals. ...
  8. (MEWS) Modified early warning score (MEWS) is a simple guide used by emergency medical services to quickly determine the risk of death of a subject. ...
  9. Mews is a chiefly British term formerly describing a row of stables, usually with carriage houses below and living quarters above, built around a paved yard or court, or along a street, behind large city houses, such as those of London, during the 17th and 18th centuries. ...
  10. (Mews (falconry)) In falconry, a mews is a birdhouse designed to house one or more birds of prey.
  11. (The Mews) The Royal Mews is the mews (stables and in recent times also the garage) of the British Royal Family in London. They have occupied two main sites, formerly at Charing Cross, and since the 1820s at Buckingham Palace.
  12. A gull, seagull; To shut away, confine, lock up; A cat's cry
  13. (mews) An alley where there are stables; a narrow passage; a confined place
  14. (MEWN) manual early warning network
  15. (mews) n.   (used with a sing. or pl. verb) 1. A group of buildings originally containing private stables, often converted into residential apartments. 2. A small street, alley, or courtyard on which such buildings stand.
  16. (Mews) (n.) – area in which a hawk is kept.
  17. (Mews) Housing, the Royal Mews in London was set up to house the Monarch's birds.  Nowadays a Mews is the term given to what used to be classed as a row of Terraced houses.
  18. (Mews) Main living area for a falconer s bird.
  19. (Mews) Mew comes from the Latin mutare, meaning 'to change' and the mews were the place in London where the king's hawks were at one time confined while they molted or 'changed. ...
  20. (Mews) This word originally referred to stables built around a courtyard, but is now sometimes used to refer to a residential cul-de-sac. There are several streets in London with mews in the name, such as Huntsworth Mews, Chenies Mews, Barb Mews and Muncies Mews.
  21. (Mews) n. A quiet, dark enclosure for the protection and keeping of falcons or hawks.
  22. (Mews) small pedestrian passageway to link parking to public sidewalks, parks to sidewalks etc.
  23. (mews) a term peculiar to London meaning a row of stables, originally referring to falcons and mew time (moulting)
  24. Mews are traditionally rows of former stables converted into residential properties. The ground floor stable area is generally a garage and the living quarters (which would have housed the ostler) are above.
  25. (n): shut up, confine, conceal. FS (R&J); Spenser FQ; Chapman D'Olive.