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mentors, plural;
  1. Advise or train (someone, esp. a younger colleague)

  1. An experienced and trusted adviser
    • - he was her friend and mentor until his death in 1915
  2. An experienced person in a company, college, or school who trains and counsels new employees or students

  1. a wise and trusted guide and advisor
  2. serve as a teacher or trusted counselor; "The famous professor mentored him during his years in graduate school"; "She is a fine lecturer but she doesn't like mentoring"
  3. In Greek mythology, Mentor (Greek: Μέντωρ / Méntōr; gen.: Μέντορος) was the son of Alcumus. In his old age Mentor was a friend of Odysseus who placed Mentor and Odysseus' foster-brother Eumaeus in charge of his son Telemachus, and of Odysseus' palace, when Odysseus left for the Trojan War.
  4. MENTOR / The National Mentoring Partnership is an advocate and resource for mentoring in the United States. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia.
  5. Mentor is a city in Lake County, Ohio, United States. Mentor was first settled in 1797. The population was 50,278 at the 2000 census. In July 2006, ranked Mentor in a list of the Top 100 Best Places to Live in America. Just four years later in July 2010, CNNMoney. ...
  6. Sil is a fictional alien from the television series Doctor Who, first appearing in the 1985 serial Vengeance on Varos. Sil was portrayed by Nabil Shaban.
  7. Mentor is a 2006 drama film directed by David Langlitz and written by William Whitehurst, exploring the relationship between a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and his protege.
  8. Mentor is a name shared by two characters in Marvel Comics.
  9. Odysseus's trusted counselor. He was assigned the responsibility to raise Odysseus's son Telemachus, while Odysseus was away fighting in Troy
  10. (Mentoring) An informal relationship where, on an ongoing basis, a more experienced individual offers guidance and/or career advice to a less experienced colleague.
  11. Mentoring is a process through which an individual with experience in a certain area provides information and insight to a less experienced person. Mentors can be matched with “mentees” through formal programs or through informal family friendships and connections, or community contacts. ...
  12. (Mentoring) An approach to development whereby an individual is paired with a more experienced person within the business. The pair are sometimes referred to as the mentor and the mentee. ...
  13. (Mentoring) A one-to-one systematic interaction process between an employee and a senior or more experienced individual, who acts as an advisor, counsellor or guide. The mentor provides support and gives feedback to facilitate learning.
  14. (Mentoring) A relationship over a prolonged period of time between two or more people where older, wiser, more experienced individuals assist youth through the human development process by providing constant, as needed support, guidance, and concrete help to a minor whose at-risk environment ...
  15. (Mentoring) A structured activity, built upon a trusting relationship that brings young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement aimed at developing the competence and character of the mentee.
  16. (Mentoring) A volunteer program where community members commit to meet regularly with youth to provide support.
  17. (Mentoring) Guiding a person who desires to improve in areas of mentor’s expertise
  18. (Mentoring) Heather Hedden, chair. Wendi Pohs, Christine Connors, Margie Hlava, members
  19. (Mentoring) Is the deliberate pairing of a more skilled or experienced person with a lesser skilled or experienced one, with the agreed-upon goal of having the lesser skilled person grow and develop specific competencies.
  20. (Mentoring) Provides support, advice and guidance in a relationship which is confidential, open and non-judgmental and where the mentor listens and asks questions which promote the mentee to reflect on their own development.
  21. (Mentoring) The employer provides personal coaching from a trained mentor, who is either an employee or from an outside firm, to support the employee with career-related issues.
  22. (Mentoring) This intergenerationally connected relationship occurs in the arts, athletics, healing practices, crafts, place-based living--and even in community and environmentally destructive practices and relationships where profits are put ahead of what contributes to the well-being of the ...
  23. (Mentoring) You will be assigned a mentor who is a member of the Senior Management to guide you through your undergraduate studies and first year of work.
  24. (Mentoring) a form of teaching that includes walking alongside the person you are teaching and inviting him or her to learn from your example.
  25. (Mentoring) guided support and teaching.