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meningitis 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Inflammation of the meninges caused by viral or bacterial infection and marked by intense headache and fever, sensitivity to light, and muscular rigidity, leading (in severe cases) to convulsions, delirium, and death,
  1. Inflammation of the meninges caused by viral or bacterial infection and marked by intense headache and fever, sensitivity to light, and muscular rigidity, leading (in severe cases) to convulsions, delirium, and death

  1. infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the meninges (the tissues that surround the brain or spinal cord) usually caused by a bacterial infection; symptoms include headache and stiff neck and fever and nausea
  2. Inflammation of the meninges, characterized by headache, neck stiffness and photophobia and also fever, chills, vomiting and myalgia
  3. An inflammation of the brain coverings that is almost always associated with headache. The inflammation causes a stiff neck, which is typical of meningitis, and a high temperature. Immediate care is necessary. ...
  4. Inflations of brain or spinal cord
  5. inflammation of the meninges, usually due to a bacterial infection but sometimes from viral, protozoan, or other causes (in some cases the cause cannot be determined).
  6. a disease that may be either a mild illness caused by any of numerous viruses (as various coxsackieviruses) or a more severe usually life-threatening illness caused by a bacterium (especially the meningococcus or the serotype designated B of Hemophilus influenzae), that may be associated with ...
  7. An infection of the central nervous system. May be diagnosed by doing a lumbar puncture.
  8. This is a serious illness where the meninges become inflamed, usually because of an infection. Some types of meningitis are very serious indeed, and need treatment very quickly.
  9. inflammation of the meninges. Meningitis can result from a bacterial or a viral infection. Scarring of the arachnoid membrane resulting from meningitis can restrict or block cerebrospinal fluidflow and absorption.
  10. refers to inflammation in the thin tissues ("meninges") that line the brain and/or spinal cord; usually due to infections with viruses, bacteria, fungi (for example, Cryptococcus neoformans,) or mycobacteria (for example, tuberculosis); meningitis is very serious and can be fatal; symptoms may ...
  11. Bacterial, is spread by coughing, kissing closely confined areas. College kids in Dormitory settings should get this.
  12. a disease caused by infection in which the outer part of the brain becomes damaged.
  13. Inflammation of the protective coverings around the brain as a result of intrathecal chemotherapy (chemotherapy injected into the spinal fluid to treat or prevent leukemia in the central nervous system) or due to infection.
  14. A bacterial or viral inflammation that can cause auditory disorders due to infection or inflammation of the inner ear or auditory nerve.
  15. is the most well publicised condition. Whilst a non-specific illness initially, this can rapidly progress through fever, headache and neck stiffness to coma and death. The mortality is approximate 10% of cases. ...
  16. An inflammation of the meninges through infection, usually by a bacterium, or through irritation. Meningococcal, the epidemic form of the disease, takes the lives of 10 percent of those who contract it and causes cerebral palsy, hearing loss, speech defects, and other forms of permanent brain ...
  17. an infection or inflammation of the meninges (the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater), the three part layer which is important for protecting the central nervous system.
  18. Skull Membrane/Brain