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memorize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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memorizes, 3rd person singular present; memorised, past participle; memorized, past participle; memorized, past tense; memorised, past tense; memorises, 3rd person singular present; memorising, present participle; memorizing, present participle;
  1. Commit to memory; learn by heart
    • - he memorized thousands of verses

  1. commit to memory; learn by heart; "Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?"
  2. (memorizer) a person who learns by rote
  3. (memorization) learning so as to be able to remember verbatim; "the actor's memorization of his lines"
  4. (MEMORIZATION) An action that is supposed to take place in conjunction with sets and music between band camp and the commencement of the regular year, but does not generally happen, except for the captain, until 'shups are issued or the year is completed.
  5. (Memorization) n. A filing system used by those who are too lazy to look details up.
  6. (memorization) Describes the process by which wizards and priests gain their daily allotment of spells, even though priests do not memorize them in the sense wizards do; priests are supposed to pray for their spells. ...
  7. (Memorizing) Hotel or Restaurant Terminologies is very important for hoteliers. Even if you are a fresher and invited for a job interview then most of the time you have to answer some Hotel or Restaurant Management Related Terminologies. ...
  8. (Memorizing) This group includes a number of memory strategies based on inter-, intra-lingual and visual associations.
  9. Spaced repetition system develops long-term memory.
  10. the vocabulary and its meaning. The course is primarily to provide you a rich vocabulary with which you can talk about what goes on strategically in discourse.
  11. (v) esdе tutarģa, unutmazģa
  12. make as memorable as