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megaphone 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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megaphones, plural;
  1. Utter through, or as if through, a megaphone
    • - the director stood around megaphoning orders
    • - it was only their guides megaphoning to them
  1. A large funnel-shaped device for amplifying and directing the voice

  1. a cone-shaped acoustic device held to the mouth to intensify and direct the human voice
  2. A megaphone, speaking-trumpet, bullhorn, blowhorn, or loud hailer is a portable, usually hand-held, cone-shaped horn used to amplify a person’s voice towards a targeted direction. ...
  3. Megaphone is an American rock band from Orlando, Florida, founded in 2004. Their general influences include Foo Fighters, Butch Walker and Led Zeppelin. ...
  4. Megaphone is a cytotoxic neolignan from Aniba megaphylla. It has also been prepared synthetically.
  5. A portable funnel-shaped device that is used to amplify a person’s natural voice in a targeted direction; To use a megaphone
  6. An outwardly tapered high-performance exhaust.
  7. mechanical devise that goes onto the end of an exhaust system to tune it
  8. A large funnel-shaped horn used to increase the volume of the voice.