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meditate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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meditated, past tense; meditated, past participle; meditates, 3rd person singular present; meditating, present participle;
  1. Think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation

  2. Think deeply or carefully about (something)
    • - he went off to meditate on the new idea
  3. Plan mentally; consider
    • - they had suffered severely, and they began to meditate retreat

  1. chew over: reflect deeply on a subject; "I mulled over the events of the afternoon"; "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years"; "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"
  2. study: think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"
  3. (meditation) continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature; "the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge"
  4. (meditation) (religion) contemplation of spiritual matters (usually on religious or philosophical subjects)
  5. (meditative) brooding: deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man";
  6. (Meditation (alternative medicine)) The health applications and clinical studies of meditation are products of the field of interest within the medical community to study the physiological effects of meditation. Lazar, S.W.; Bush, G.; Gollub, R. L.; Fricchione, G. L.; Khalsa, G.; Benson, H. ...
  7. (Meditation (Bobby Miller album)) Meditation is the fifth studio album produced by Bobby Miller.
  8. (Meditation (book)) Meditation, also published as Passage Meditation, is a 1978 book by Eknath Easwaran. It describes a meditation program developed by Eknath from the 1960s, first taught systematically by him at the University of California, Berkeley.Tim Flinders & Carol Flinders (1989). ''''. ...
  9. (Meditation (Buddhism)) Buddhist meditation strictly refers to the teaching of the historical Buddha, but is used more generally to describe any practice associated with the modern religion of Buddhism. ...
  10. (Meditation (Meditação)) "Meditation" ("Meditação" in Portuguese) is a song composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Newton Mendonça and English lyrics by Norman Gimbel.
  11. (Méditation (Thaïs)) Méditation is a symphonic intermezzo from the opera Thaïs by French composer Jules Massenet. The piece is written for solo violin and orchestra. The opera was first premiered at the Opera Garnier in Paris on March 16, 1894.
  12. To contemplate; to keep the mind fixed upon; to study; To sit or lie down and come to a deep rest while still remaining conscious
  13. (Meditating) When a Sim has 3 or more logic skill points, they will have the ability to meditate. Every moment your Sim meditates, builds up their meditation skill which helps Sims float in the air more quickly.
  14. (Meditation) Technique of inward attention. Psychologist Lawrence LeShan offers a down-to-earth definition: The goal of meditation is to enable you to get more out of life and to move more completely in whatever directions you choose. ...
  15. (Meditation) The cultivation of awareness (mindfulness) and the application of methods to change ourselves in order that we become more fulfilled and more able to see reality.
  16. (Meditation) a brief period of mental relaxation used in Kenpo to eliminate outside distractions from the mind in order to fully concentrate on activities that are to be learned in class. Taking the time to do this helps to avoid unnecessary injury which might otherwise occur.
  17. (meditation) Practice of using mental skills to perform such feats as focusing attention on a single object for a long period of time; cultivating compassion, which involves the transforming of negative events; and creating a state of pure awareness of thoughts, emotions, and sensations without ...
  18. (meditation) s. bhāvanā, jhāna, samādhi.
  19. (Meditation) The process of relaxing the mind and body to bring about profound contemplation and/or concentration. Included in the Tarot Meanings Dictionary because meditation is a common practice among those who particpate in the art of Tarot reading. ...
  20. (Meditation) Scientific means of contacting one’s soul and of eventually becoming at-one with the soul. Also the process of being open to spiritual impression and thus to cooperation with the Spiritual Hierarchy.
  21. (Meditation) A method for working on the mind. First we learn how to identify our different positive and negative mental states. Then we apply methods for eliminating negative states and cultivating positive ones.
  22. (Meditation) Method of deep breathing, mental concentration and contemplation. During meditation, breathing, brain activity, and heart and pulse rates slow, encouraging the body to relax and achieve a greater sense of inner balance and peace. Relieves stress, removes pain and reduces blood pressure.
  23. (Meditation) Any number of focusing, breathing, or contemplative methods designed to bring about a heightened state of consciousness and/or enlightenment. In Usui Reiki Ryoho the most important and prominent is the Hasturei ho. Various other western systems have added Reiki Meditations.
  24. (Meditation) the state of quieting your mind, and therefore softening and releasing any resistant thoughts that would disallow vibrational alignment with your Source.
  25. (Meditation) Mental, stress-relieving exercise used to draw body, mind, and spirit into one.