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maximize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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maximizing, present participle; maximizes, 3rd person singular present; maximised, past participle; maximized, past participle; maximized, past tense; maximised, past tense; maximises, 3rd person singular present; maximising, present participle;
  1. Make as large or great as possible
    • - the company was aiming to maximize profits
  2. Make the best use of
    • - a rider can maximize a young horse's athletic potential

  1. make as big or large as possible; "Maximize your profits!"
  2. make the most of; "He maximized his role"
  3. (maximization) the mathematical process of finding the maximum value of a function
  4. (maximization) the act of raising to the highest possible point or condition or position
  5. (maximizing) making as great as possible
  6. In mathematics, maxima and minima, known collectively as extrema (singular: extremum), are the largest value (maximum) or smallest value (minimum), that a function takes in a point either within a given neighborhood (local extremum) or on the function domain in its entirety (global or absolute ...
  7. (Maximization (ethics)) In ethics, maximization or optimization is the concept of always doing the act that yields the most good, rather than regarding any good action as fully sufficient or acceptable. Lifestances or other views that employ maximization may be termed maximizing.
  8. (MAXIMIZED) When a portlet is maximized, it is displayed in the entire body of the portal, replacing the view of other portlets.
  9. (maximized) When a dialog or window is drawn to the largest scale that will fit on the selected paper size.
  10. (Maximizing) a decision-making approach where all alternatives are compared and evaluated in order to find the best solution to a problem.
  11. To enlarge a window to its maximum size (the full size of the screen).
  12. To make a window fill the screen. You click the maximize button (a square) on any window to maximize it. You click the Restore button to return it to a window or minimize to reduce the window to a Taskbar button.(See also minimize.)
  13. To display a window at its largest size. See also minimize.
  14. Maximizing the curent window expands it and makes it the current application on the Desk Top.
  15. Clicking on the middle button in the upper-right corner of a window maximizes it, which makes it fill up your entire screen.
  16. A condition when the window fills the entire screen. No other windows are visible and the icon in the title bar is a double box.
  17. make the window the size of the screen by using the square in the upper left corner.
  18. More for Your Money: Max Amize ^3
  19. Enlarging a window to fill the entire screen.
  20. Computer programs have three visual states on you screen, MINIMIZED, MAXIMIZED or SIZED.  The maximized state means the program will take up your entire screen.  In this state you cannot see your desktop, and depending on you computer's settings, even you taskbar can be obscured from view.
  21. At the top right side of any open window (or the top left if it’s an Apple Mac) there are a few buttons. There is an X, a box or two boxes, and a – (minus) symbol. These are the window controls. If you see one box between the X and the – the window is not at it’s full size and shape. ...