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mash 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mashes, plural;
  1. Reduce (a food or other substance) to a uniform mass by crushing it
    • - mash the beans to a paste
    • - mashed bananas
  2. Crush or smash (something) to a pulp
    • - he almost had his head mashed by a slamming door
  3. Press forcefully on (something)
    • - the worst thing you can do is mash the brake pedal
  4. (in brewing) Mix (powdered malt) with hot water to form wort

  5. Infuse or brew (tea)

  6. (of tea) Draw; brew

  1. A uniform mass made by crushing a substance into a soft pulp, sometimes with the addition of liquid
    • - pound the garlic to a mash
  2. Bran mixed with hot water given as a warm food to horses or other animals

  3. Mashed potatoes

  4. (in brewing) A mixture of powdered malt and hot water, which is stood until the sugars dissolve to form the wort

  1. a mixture of mashed malt grains and hot water; used in brewing
  2. squash: to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition; "crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon"
  3. mixture of ground animal feeds
  4. chat up: talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women"
  5. grind: reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading; "grind the spices in a mortar"; "mash the garlic"
  6. In brewing and distilling, mashing is the process of combining a mix of milled grain (typically malted barley with supplementary grains such as corn, sorghum, rye or wheat), known as the "grain bill", and water, known as "liquor", and heating this mixture. ...
  7. MASH is a 1970 American satirical dark comedy film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner, Jr., based on the novel '' by Richard Hooker. It is the only feature film in the M*A*S*H'' franchise. ...
  8. MASH is a game, commonly played by young children, intended to predict one's future. Mash stands for mansion, apartment, shack (variations include street, shed, sewers, and shelter), or house.
  9. MASH-1 is a hash function based on modular arithmetic.
  10. Delta-sigma (ΔΣ; or sigma-delta, ΣΔ) modulation is a method for encoding high resolution signals into lower resolution signals using pulse-density modulation. ...
  11. M*A*S*H is an American television series developed by Larry Gelbart, adapted from the 1970 feature film MASH (which was itself based on the 1968 novel ', by Richard Hooker). The series is a medical drama/black comedy that was produced in association with 20th Century Fox Television for CBS. ...
  12. A mesh; To convert into a mash; to reduce to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure; to bruise; to crush; as, to mash apples in a mill, or potatoes with a pestle. ...
  13. (Mashed) Under the influence of a drug
  14. (Mashed) Azuki beans are boiled with sugar and mashed. The paste is smooth with bits of broken beans and bean husk. Depending on the intended texture, the beans can be vigorously or lightly mashed. Some unmashed beans can also be added back into the bean paste for additional texture. ...
  15. (mashed) potatoes and of course there is the flavor of  fresh parsley herbs, which waft through ... Italian crocche, where the potatoes in different makes from different cuisines, give you the joy ... (small marinated peppers with mozzarella cheese). ...
  16. (Mashing) The process where the grist is added to hot water in order to extract the fermentable sugars from the malts. This process creates wort.
  17. (Mashing) mash ups are the integration of several data sources into a single resource. Mashing data currently is a complex process but as more options and sites evolve this will become an increasingly easy and accessible means of analysis.
  18. (Mashing) The process of enzymatically extracting and converting malt to wort (turning the starches into simple sugars that the yeast can eat).  The malt in this water bath is called The Mash.
  19. (Mashing) A process of making beer from scratch. Instead of using malt extract to make wort, mashing makes wort from the basic malt grains. The grains are crushed, placed in an insulated container with pre-heated water, and left to sit for an hour or so at about 150 degrees. ...
  20. (Mashing) Cooking the barley-mash in hot water to get the malt extract present in the grain.
  21. (Mashing) Process whereby grist is soaked in water at 65°C for about two hours to release the sugar into solution.
  22. (Mashing) The preparation of the wort, the liquid base of beer. Mashing converts starches to sugars by mixing malted barley with hot water.
  23. (Mashing) The procedure where grist is added to warm water and the natural sugars are dissolved to form a sugary solution. This takes place in a large tank called a mash tun. The solution is then called wort and is passed to a washback tank for fermentation to take place. ...
  24. (Mashing) The stage in brewing when milled grains are mixed with hot water in a mash tun (an insulated vessel) to extract starches and convert them into fermentable sugars (so that yeast may later go to town on them).
  25. (Mashing) The type of brewing liquid used for beer production plays a very great role. However, with modern technology, any type of liquid with the optimal concentrations of the different ions can be created from any water. ...