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malinger 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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malingering, present participle; malingers, 3rd person singular present; malingered, past participle; malingered, past tense;
  1. Exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work

  1. avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill
  2. (malingering) evading duty or work by pretending to be incapacitated; "they developed a test to detect malingering"
  3. Malingering is a medical term that refers to fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of mental or physical disorders for a variety of "secondary gain" motives, which may include financial compensation (often tied to fraud); avoiding school, work or military service; obtaining drugs; getting ...
  4. To feign illness, injury, or incapacitation in order to avoid work or obligation
  5. (malingering) Faking or conscious deception; voluntary production of symptoms for a rationally considered goal, such as financial recompense, avoidance of responsibility, etc.
  6. (MALINGERING) Knowingly pretending to be physically or mentally ill to avoid some unpleasant duty or responsibility, or for economic benefit.
  7. (Malingering) A conscious simulation of an illness (with no organic pathology present) used to avoid an unpleasant situation or for personal gain.
  8. (Malingering) The term given to an individual who exaggerates mental or physical symptoms for personal gain such as compensation, avoiding work and obtaining prescription drugs.
  9. (Malingering) Faking illness or disability, but this generally covers up some other real mental health problem.
  10. (Malingering) a voluntary or intentional reduction in visual acuity or other examination data.
  11. (malingering) A medico legal term used by physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and attorneys indicating conscious and willful misrepresentation of illness or symptoms in order to escape work duties and/or for financial compensation. [WorkCover Corporation: Guidelines for FCE. ...
  12. (malingering) Faking a physical or psychological incapacity in order to avoid a responsibility or gain an end; the goal is readily recognized from the individual’s circumstances. To be distinguished from conversion disorder, in which the incapacity is assumed to be beyond voluntary control.
  13. (malingering) Not technically a form of mental illness.  A person fakes mental illness for specific wants or needs, such as monetary compensation or avoidance of incarceration.
  14. (malingering) to pretend illness, esp. in order to shirk one’s duty, avoid work, etc  (in the case this week it was used in reference to a drug-seeker).
  15. (malingering) “enjoying ill health." Malingering has two forms: 1) refusal to engage in pre-illness activities on the basis of "still feeling sick" long after a normal recuperative period and with no obvious signs of continued illness, and 2) faking illness. ...
  16. To feign a disability for the purpose of continuing to collect benefits longer than actually necessary.
  17. to fake illness to shirk a duty
  18. pretend to be ill in order to avoid work or shirk duty.