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malfunction 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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malfunctioning, present participle; malfunctioned, past tense; malfunctions, 3rd person singular present; malfunctioned, past participle;
  1. (of a piece of equipment or machinery) Fail to function normally or satisfactorily
    • - the unit is clearly malfunctioning
  1. A failure to function in a normal or satisfactory manner

  1. fail to function or function improperly; "the coffee maker malfunctioned"
  2. (malfunctioning) not performing or able to perform its regular function; "a malfunctioning valve"
  3. A malfunction is a partial or total failure of a parachuting device to operate as intended. Malfunctions may require a skydiver to cut-away his or her main parachute and deploy the reserve parachute.
  4. (Malfunctioning) What happens when a student or client sees a piece of the matrix or gets immense pressure and somehow "malfunctions" in the field. Think of C3PO with his sparks and wires falling out of his head. Err-errr-errr-errr---malfunctioning--err--errr-errrrr....!
  5. (Malfunctions) Users will be directed to either take their defective phone to local participating retailers for repair or replacement. Phones that are deemed to have had a malfunction will be replaced free of charge.
  6. Failure of the inflatable penile implant to perform as intended.
  7. a term applied only to doubles shooting. It means the failure of the gun to operate properly, thus preventing the firing of the second shot on doubles. There is a limit on the number of malfunctions allowed without penalty.
  8. Problem in system that affects normal operation
  9. The complete or partial failure of a parachute canopy to attain or sustain proper opening, descent, or flight characteristics.
  10. Something that does not function (work) properly.
  11. A failure or state of operation outside of specified parameters.
  12. The failure of a device to meet its performance specifications or otherwise perform as intended. A malfunction is reportable: when it is likely to cause or contribute to a death or serious injury if it were to recur.
  13. A mechanical or electronic failure - not a human failure by the swimmer.
  14. A malfunction is when a fruit machine does something it isn't supposed too, if a fruit machine malfunctions then all pays and plays will be voided for that particular spin on the reels.
  15. When the Main Parachute doesn't work properly. There are different degrees of malfunctions, the bad ones of which cause you to use your Reserve.
  16. It Won't Work!: Mel Function ^JG
  17. A failure, or stoppage, of the weapon to perform properly that requires manual correction by the shooter. Malfunctions can be caused by ammunition, mechanical happenstance, or poor technique.