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madden 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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maddens, 3rd person singular present; maddened, past tense; maddened, past participle; maddening, present participle;
  1. Make (someone) extremely irritated or annoyed
    • - the audacity of the convicts maddened the governor
  2. Drive (someone) insane
    • - a maddened crowd

  1. cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind
  2. drive up the wall; go on someone's nerves
  3. make mad; "His behavior is maddening"
  4. (maddened) angered: marked by extreme anger; "the enraged bull attached"; "furious about the accident"; "a furious scowl"; "infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy"; "could not control the maddened crowd"
  5. Madden NFL (known as John Madden Football before 1993) is an American football video game series developed by Electronic Arts Tiburon for EA Sports. ...
  6. To make angry; To make insane; to inflame with passion; To become furious
  7. Kristin Madden, author of numerous books on Paganism and Shamanism. Friend and frequent touring associate of M. R. Sellars. (AKA: That Madden Woman, Sheena, "Don't Call Me Kirstin...")