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macrame 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a relatively coarse lace; made by weaving and knotting cords
  2. make knotted patterns; "macrame a plant holder"
  3. Macramé or macrame is a form of textile-making using knotting rather than weaving or knitting. Its primary knots are the square knot and forms of hitching (full hitch and double half hitches). ...
  4. Alternative spelling of macramé
  5. Fringe.  Used to describe off-loom weaving and knot work.  From the Arabic for "knot."
  6. Knotting technique popular in home furnishings. Became associated with clothing in the 1960s and has had subsequent rebirths since the 1990s mainly in the form of handbags.
  7. Decoratively knotted rope or cord forming a harness-like structure for hanging pots.
  8. A method of creating fabric by knotting yarns together in complex patterns.
  9. derived from the Turkish word makrama meaning "bedspread", which evolved from the Arabian word "mikrama". (OED)
  10. An intricately knotted lace.
  11. miqrama, embroidered veil