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mace 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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maces, plural;
  1. The reddish fleshy outer covering of the nutmeg, dried as a spice

  1. (trademark) a liquid that temporarily disables a person; prepared as an aerosol and sprayed in the face, it irritates the eyes and causes dizziness and immobilization
  2. macebearer: an official who carries a mace of office
  3. spice made from the dried fleshy covering of the nutmeg seed
  4. a ceremonial staff carried as a symbol of office or authority
  5. Macé is a commune in the Orne department in north-western France.
  6. Mače may refer to: *Mače, Croatia, a village and municipality in Krapina-Zagorje County in Croatia *Mače, Slovenia, a village in the Preddvor Municipality in the Upper Carniola region of Slovenia
  7. Biker Mice from Mars is a science fiction animated series created by Rick Ungar that began airing in 1993 in the United States and lasted for three seasons before it was cancelled. ...
  8. A mace is a simple weapon or ceremonial club or virge that uses a heavy head on the end of a handle to deliver powerful blows. ...
  9. MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression and Expansion) is an obsolete audio encoding system. It makes a considerably smaller file than straight PCM, but results in a huge reduction of audio quality and considerable amount of noise at any bit rate. It has been used in, among others, AIFF file formats.
  10. Mace Group is a global consultancy and construction firm operating across 49 countries, offering a variety of services that span the entire property life cycle, from fund monitoring, cost consultancy, design management, through pre-construction, construction, fit out, and facilities management.
  11. A heavy fighting club; A ceremonial form of this weapon; A spice obtained from the outer layer of the kernel of the fruit of the nutmeg; A common name for some types of tear gas and pepper spray; A long baton used by some drum majors to keep time and lead a marching band. ...
  12. (Maces) are similar to hatchets, having roughly the same weight but able to do twice the damage since they have a larger surface area. ...
  13. A sweet spice with a warm flavor. Mace is made from the outer husk of the nutmeg, and has a very similar flavor.
  14. A short mass weapon not unlike a heavy club. After the third quarter of the 14th century the club end was often made of metal and enhanced with metal flanges or spikes.
  15. A large, heavy and richly-ornamented staff which is the symbol of authority of the House of Commons. When the Speaker takes the Chair, the Sergeant-at-Arms places the Mace on the Table to signify the House is in session.
  16. The ceremonial staff that symbolizes the authority of the Legislature to make laws on behalf of the people.
  17. Major Adverse Cardiac Event. Criteria for evaluating cardiac treatments such as PCI.
  18. An ornamental staff of authority borne by a macer before a judge of the Court of Session or High Court of Justiciary and displayed in his/her court while it is sitting.
  19. A short hand held weapon much like a club but having an end that was either ball shaped or flanged. This end was often made of steel.
  20. Refers to a punch as used in a technique
  21. Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion. Lossy audio compression algorithm, included in the Mac’s system software. It works with 8-bit digital audio files, and supports compression ratios of 3:1 (music) and 6:1 (speech). Resulting audio quality is not the best.
  22. Native to Indonesia, mace is a waxy red membrane that covers nutmeg so the taste is similar to nutmeg but with some peppery notes. Benefits include, relief from nausea, depression, and is antimicrobial. Do not use mace when you are pregnant, for more info consult with your naturopathic doctor.
  23. A spice that can be used in either savory or sweet recipes, its citrus undertones make it a nice complement to many flavor combinations.
  24. The nutmeg tree produces two spices: nutmeg and mace. Mace is the outer covering of the nutmeg seed which is dried and slowly roasted to create the spice. Mace is similar to nutmeg, but more pungent. Mace is used in both sweet and savory dishes and is often the dominant flavor in doughnuts.
  25. A mace is a bludgeoning weapon, similar to a club. Like a club it is made from a thick shaft of wood. However, unlike a club, it has a large metal ball for a head. This metal head is often spiked or riveted to allow for maximum damage against foes.