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lowercase 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Small letters as opposed to capital letters (uppercase),
  1. Small letters as opposed to capital letters (uppercase)
    • - the name may be typed in lowercase
    • - lowercase letters

  1. small letter: the characters that were once kept in bottom half of a compositor's type case
  2. Lower case (also lower-case or lowercase), minuscule, or small letters are the smaller form of letters, as opposed to upper case or capital letters, as used in European alphabets (Greek, Latin, Cyrillic, and Armenian). For example, the letter "a" is lower case while the letter "A" is upper case.
  3. Originally coined by minimal artist Steve Roden, lowercase is an extreme form of ambient minimalism in which very quiet sounds bookend long stretches of silence. ...
  4. Alternative spelling of lower case; in lower case
  5. The small alphabetic characters, whether accented or not, as distinguished from the capital alphabetic characters. The concept of case applies to alphabets such as Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek, but not to Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and many other scripts. ...
  6. Small letters used in printing that evolved from the Caroline minuscules of approximately 800 A. D. So called because. they are found in the lower part of the printer's type case.
  7. adj. (of a character) being among standard characters corresponding to the small letters a through z, or being some other implementation-defined character that is defined by the implementation to be lowercase. See Section (Characters With Case).
  8. As opposed to Uppercase, Lowercase letters take the form of a,b,c instead of A,B,C. Programs that are 'case-sensitive' can differentiate between upper and lowercase.
  9. A term applied to letters of the alphabet that are not capitalized.
  10. This term refers to the "small" letters used on a keyboard versus using caps. Most passwords use lowercase letters.
  11. Denotes letters that are not capitalized. For instance, the word "nationality" is all lowercase. The notion of lowercase does not apply to East Asian and Middle Eastern scripts.
  12. Definition currently unavailable
  13. convert string to lowercase
  14. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.