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localize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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localizing, present participle; localising, present participle; localized, past participle; localised, past participle; localises, 3rd person singular present; localised, past tense; localized, past tense; localizes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Restrict (something) to a particular place
    • - symptoms include localized pain and numbness
  2. Make (something) local in character
    • - there'd now be a more localized news service
  3. Assign (something) to a particular place
    • - most vertebrates localize sounds by orienting movements

  1. place: identify the location or place of; "We localized the source of the infection"
  2. restrict something to a particular area
  3. set: locate; "The film is set in Africa"
  4. (localized) confined or restricted to a particular location; "the localized infection formed a definite abscess"
  5. (localized) made local or oriented locally; "a decentralized and localized political authority"
  6. (localization) a determination of the place where something is; "he got a good fix on the target"
  7. (Localization (mathematics)) In mathematics, the term localization may refer to: * Localization of a category, adding to a category inverse morphisms for some collection of morphisms, constraining them to become isomorphisms * Localization of a ring, in abstract algebra, a systematic method of ...
  8. To make local; to fix in, or assign to, a definite place; To adapt a product for use in a particular country or region, typically by translating text into the language of that country or region and, if necessary, ensuring support of different character sets
  9. (localization) The act of localizing; The state of being localized; act or process of making a product suitable for use in a particular country or region
  10. (localized) Restricted to the site of origin without evidence of spread.
  11. A localized tumor, also referred to as primary tumor, is one that has not spread from its original location.
  12. (Localized) cancer only found in the organ where the cancer started.
  13. (Localized) cancer that is limited to one small area of the body and has not spread.
  14. (Localized) A term used to describe a disease or treatment that affects only a specific or limited part of the body rather than the entire body. See Also: Systemic
  15. (Localized) Blisters confined to local areas, usually the palms, fingers, and soles. Pustules appear in a studded, pattern, turn brown, and then peel.
  16. (Localized) In the area of the primary tumor.
  17. (Localized) Neoplasm (tumor) that appears entirely confined to the organ of origin.
  18. (Localized) cancer affecting only the cells of a certain area.
  19. (Localized) cellulitis · abscess · boil · erythema nodosum · carcinoid syndrome · fixed drug eruption
  20. (Localized) restricted to a point in space in a landscape. Particularly used by Weber to describe raw materials.
  21. (localized) affecting a specific bodily site, organ or system. Contrast with systemic.
  22. (Localization) The process of adapting a computer program for a specific international market, which includes translating the user interface into a foreign language, resizing dialog boxes to fit the new language, customizing features if necessary, and testing results to ensure that the original ...
  23. (localization) Modifying an offering to meet the specific needs of a geographic area, product, or target audience. For example, America uses avoirdupois weight units while Europe uses metric units.
  24. (Localization) The process of displaying the user interface of an internationalized application in a particular language or cultural context. Often shortened to “l10” (because the word “localization” is L, 10 letters, then N). See also: Internationalization.
  25. (Localization) L10N Beyond simple translation, localization means that the web page has been adapted to the culture and practices of a specific locale.