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lobotomize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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lobotomises, 3rd person singular present; lobotomised, past participle; lobotomising, present participle; lobotomizes, 3rd person singular present; lobotomized, past participle; lobotomized, past tense; lobotomizing, present participle; lobotomised, past tense;
  1. Perform a lobotomy on

  2. Reduce the mental or emotional capacity or ability to function of
    • - couples we knew who had been lobotomized by the birth of their children

  1. (Lobotomized) Lobotomy (λοβός – lobos: "lobe (of brain)"; τομή – tome: "cut/slice") is a neurosurgical procedure, a form of psychosurgery, also known as a leukotomy or leucotomy (from the Greek λευκός – leukos: "clear/white" and tome). ...
  2. To perform a lobotomy; To remove function