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lionize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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lionised, past tense; lionized, past tense; lionised, past participle; lionizes, 3rd person singular present; lionising, present participle; lionises, 3rd person singular present; lionizing, present participle; lionized, past participle;
  1. Give a lot of public attention and approval to (someone); treat as a celebrity
    • - modern athletes are lionized

  1. assign great social importance to; "The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood"; "The tenor was lionized in Vienna"
  2. To treat (a person) as if he were important, or a celebrity; To visit famous places in order to revere them; To behave as a lion
  3. (lionization) The act of lionizing, the behavior that treats someone as a celebrity, either respectfully honoring or fawning adoration
  4. (Lionized) The point at which any new Lion's player or coach gets infected by the franchise's losing ways and starts adding to the ineptitude.  It is often accompanied by a mental or physical breakdown either on or off the field. ...
  5. to treat as famous person