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lighten 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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lightened, past participle; lightened, past tense; lightening, present participle; lightens, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Make or become lighter or brighter
    • - the sky began to lighten in the east
    • - she had lightened her hair
  2. Enlighten spiritually
    • - now the Lord lighten thee, thou art a great fool
  3. Emit flashes of lightning; flash with lightning
    • - it thundered and lightened

  1. make more cheerful; "the conversation lightened me up a bit"
  2. reduce the weight on; make lighter; "she lightened the load on the tired donkey"
  3. brighten: make lighter or brighter; "The paint will brighten the room"
  4. relieve: alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive; "relieve the pressure and the stress"; "lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents"
  5. (lightening) descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity that occurs late in pregnancy; the fetus is said to have dropped
  6. (lightening) whitening: changing to a lighter color
  7. (Lightening) Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity accompanied by thunder, which typically occurs during thunderstorms, and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms. ...
  8. (lightening) The sensation caused by the descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity before the onset of labour; The removal of cargo (especially crude oil) from a vessel in order to reduce its draft
  9. (Lightening) Change in the shape of the pregnant uterus a few weeks before labor. Often described as the baby “dropping”.
  10. (Lightening) When the baby drops in preparation for delivery (Engagement).
  11. (Lightening) the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity; also : the discharge itself
  12. (Lightening) A vessel discharges part of its cargo at anchor into a lighter to reduce the vessel's draft so it can then get alongside a pier.
  13. (Lightening) Represents a sudden flash of awareness. To be struck indicates sudden transformation or awakening.
  14. (lightening) This occurs when a fetus positions itself lower in the pelvic cavity during the last few weeks of pregnancy.
  15. (lightening) expectant mother will notice that she can breathe easier because the descent of the baby relieves some of the pressure from the diaphragm.
  16. (lightening) the last stage of pregnancy when the baby's head moves into the birth canal. Usually happens after 37 weeks. Also called engagement.
  17. Changes the effect of the foreground and background color properties of a sprite so that it is easy to create dramatic color effects that generally lighten an image. Lighten ink makes the colors in a sprite lighter as the background color gets darker. ...
  18. To lighten the hair means to open up the cuticle of the hair and remove some of the pigment. This is most often done with Bleach a.k.a. Lightener. Lightening hair is very harsh on the hair, and can cause breakage. I do not recommend every lightening your hair at home.