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ligate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ligated, past participle; ligated, past tense; ligates, 3rd person singular present; ligating, present participle;
  1. Tie up or otherwise close off (an artery or vessel)

  1. join letters in a ligature when writing
  2. bind chemically; "The enzyme ligated"
  3. bind with a bandage or ligature; "ligate the artery"
  4. (ligation) (surgery) tying a duct or blood vessel with a ligature (as to prevent bleeding during surgery)
  5. Ligation may refer to: * In molecular biology, the covalent linking of two ends of DNA molecules using DNA ligase * In medicine, the making of a ligature (tie) * Chemical ligation, the production of peptides from amino acids * Tubal ligation, a method of female sterilization
  6. (Ligated) Where a small chain and wire are glued to the impacted tooth by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The wire is tightened during monthly visits with an orthodontist. This brings the tooth out of the bone and gum tissue and into alignment with the other teeth.
  7. (Ligating) An adjective used to describe components used to attach arch wires to brackets. For example, a ligating module is a small plastic piece that goes over the brackets to hold in your arch wires.
  8. (ligation) (lye-GAY-shun): The process of tying off blood vessels so that blood cannot flow to a part of the body or to a tumor.
  9. (Ligation (Tie-in)) The process of attaching an archwire to the brackets on your teeth.
  10. (LIGATION) Tying off a blood vessel or other structure with cotton, silk, or some other material. Rubber band ligation is one approach to treating internal hemorrhoids.
  11. (Ligation) (French : ligature) Covalent linkage of a DNA molecule extremities allowing to reunite by a bridge two DNA molecules in one single unit.
  12. (Ligation) Interruption with a suture or tie.
  13. (Ligation) Surgical closure of a vessel with sutures or staples.
  14. (Ligation) The act of binding or of applying a tie, wire, or bandage around a limb or blood vessel to restrict blood flow. It is used to treat patent ductus anteriousus (PDA) among other uses.
  15. (Ligation) the formation of a phosphodiester bond to link two adjacent bases separated by a nick in one strand of a double helix of DNA; the term can also be applied to blunt-end ligation and to the joining of RNA.
  16. (ligation) Joining two fragments of DNA end to end. See sticky ends.
  17. In molecular biology, to join two separate DNA or RNA segments to form a single DNA or RNA molecule enzymatically.
  18. to join together. The process carried out by ligase, above.
  19. LIGH-gate/ (1) to join two or more DNA fragments end-to-end; (2) (in a medical context) to tie a ligature.
  20. to apply a ligature, any material, such as a thread or wire, used for tying a vessel or to constrict a part.
  21. To secure the archwire to a bracket using an elastic or wire tie.
  22. to tie off; usually a blood vessel.