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ligament 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ligaments, plural;
  1. A short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint

  2. A membranous fold that supports an organ and keeps it in position

  3. Any similar connecting or binding structure

  4. A bond of union

  1. a sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages or supporting muscles or organs
  2. any connection or unifying bond
  3. In anatomy, the term ligament is used to denote three different types of structures: # Articular ligaments: Fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bones. They are sometimes called "articular larua" , "fibrous ligaments", or "true ligaments". ...
  4. band of strong tissue that holds the bones of an animal in position
  5. (LIGAMENTS) the tissue that connects one bone to another.
  6. (Ligaments) Strong fibrous tissue bands connecting the bones of the body
  7. (LIGAMENTS) Fibrous tissue that connects bones.
  8. (Ligaments) Fibrous structures that connect bones to bones, providing support while allowing flexibility and movement.
  9. The ligaments are much shorter fibrous cords that attach bone to bone to reinforce the joint capsule.
  10. (Ligaments) These are bands of fibrous tissue that bind a joint and control its range of movement.
  11. (ligaments) bands of cord-like tissue that connect bone to bone.
  12. (Ligaments) are the soft tissues that hold two or more bones together.
  13. (Ligaments) A band of tissue linking two bones in a joint.
  14. (Ligaments) A band of tissue that can stretch and that supports other parts of the body. (Read about "Sprains")
  15. (Ligaments) Broad (components: Mesovarium, Mesosalpinx, Mesometrium contents: Round of uterus, Proper of ovary) • Suspensory of ovary • Cardinal
  16. (Ligaments) Dense bundles of parallel collagenous fibers derived from the outer layer of the joint capsule to strengthen and stabilize the joint in a passive way; non-elastic and non-contractile; contain numerous sensory nerve cells capable of responding to speed, movement, joint position, ...
  17. (Ligaments) The fibrous tissues that connect bones to a joint. They are often stressed with working horses and may need special attention.
  18. (Ligaments) Work in conjunction with tendons to connect bones and muscles; these fibrous strands of tissue are more focused on bone connection.
  19. (Ligaments) are tough fibrous bands which join two bones or support organs. They are mostly made up of a protein called collagen.
  20. (ligaments) Dense parallel bundles of connective tissue that strengthen joints and hold the bones in place.
  21. A band of flexible, fibrous connective tissue that is attached at the end of a bone near a joint. The main function of a ligament is to attach bones to one another, to provide stability of a joint, and to prevent or limit some joint motion.
  22. A band of fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone or cartilage to bone, supporting or strengthening a joint.
  23. a band of tissue between two body parts, often supporting a specific joint
  24. Tissue that bonds bone to bone. Ligaments are strong and provide excellent support, which is especially important in joints like your ankle.
  25. A tough, stabilising soft tissue structure which connects bones either side of a joint .