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leach 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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leached, past participle; leaches, 3rd person singular present; leached, past tense; leaching, present participle;
  1. Make (a soluble chemical or mineral) drain away from soil, ash, or similar material by the action of percolating liquid, esp. rainwater
    • - the nutrient is quickly leached away
  2. (of a soluble chemical or mineral) Drain away from soil, ash, etc., in this way
    • - coats of varnish prevent the dye leaching out
  3. Subject (soil, ash, etc.) to this process

  1. the process of leaching
  2. cause (a liquid) to leach or percolate
  3. permeate or penetrate gradually; "the fertilizer leached into the ground"
  4. remove substances from by a percolating liquid; "leach the soil"
  5. In sailing the parts of a sail have common terminology for each corner and edge of the sail.
  6. Leach or Leach Steamer was an American automobile company started in 1899.
  7. William Elford Leach FRS (2 February 1790 – 26 August 1836) was an English zoologist and marine biologist.
  8. (Leaching (agriculture)) In agriculture, leaching refers to (1) the loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil, due to rain and irrigation. ...
  9. (Leaching (metallurgy)) Leaching is a widely used extractive metallurgy technique which converts metals into soluble salts in aqueous media. Compared to pyrometallurgical operations, leaching is easier to perform and much less harmful, because no gaseous pollution occurs. ...
  10. (Leaching (pedology)) In pedology, leaching is the loss of mineral and organic solutes due to percolation. It is a mechanism of soil formation. It is distinct from the soil forming process of eluviation, which is the loss of mineral and organic colloids. ...
  11. A quantity of wood ashes, through which water passes, and thus imbibes the alkali; A tub or vat for leaching ashes, bark, etc; Alternative spelling of leech; To purge a soluble matter out of something by the action of a percolating fluid
  12. (Leaching) Removal of soluble materials from one zone in soil to another via water movement in the profile.
  13. (Leaching) A similar concept to making tea which leaches out the flavor of the tea leaves. This concept regards how water will rinse bad substances (like salt) or good ones (like nutrients) down deep into the soil or as runoff.
  14. (Leaching) A condition where liquids ooze out of the joint between ceramic tile.
  15. (leaching) Occurs when a liquid (eg. water) passes through a substance, picking up some of the material and carrying it to other places; this can happen under ground in solid rock, or above ground through piles of material.
  16. (Leaching) The extraction of a soluble metallic compound from ore by dissolving the metals in a solvent.
  17. (Leaching) or the soaking in water removes chemical inhibitors in some seeds that prevent germination. Rain and melting snow naturally accomplish this task. For seeds that are going to be planted for gardens, the use of running water is best but frequent changes of water are effective too. ...
  18. (Leaching) the removal of minerals in solution from soils when water moves down through the soil and drains away.
  19. (Leaching) Draining away of nutrients from soil.
  20. (Leaching) The process by which nutrients, chemicals etc move downwards through and out of the soil.
  21. (Leaching) refers to the process whereby substances such as chemicals moves through another substance such as soil.
  22. (leaching) The action of surface water dissolving many materials in the soil or in landfills as it drains by gravity to groundwater.
  23. (Leaching) Moving soluble materials down through the soil profile with the water.
  24. (Leaching) The removal of soluble constituents from a rock or soil by moving ground water or hydrothermal fluids.
  25. (Leaching) The removal of soluble minerals from soil by the downward movement of water.