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lave 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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laved, past participle; laved, past tense; laving, present participle; laves, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Wash
    • - she ran cold water in the basin, laving her face and hands
  2. (of water) Wash against or over (something)
    • - the sea below laved the shore with small, agitated waves

  1. wash or flow against; "the waves laved the shore"
  2. wash: cleanse (one's body) with soap and water
  3. wash up: wash one's face and hands; "She freshened up in the bathroom"
  4. Lave was an ironclad floating battery of the French Navy during the 19th century. She was part of the Dévastation-class of floating batteries.
  5. (Laving) Washing is one way of cleaning, namely with water and often some kind of soap or detergent. Washing is an essential part of good hygiene and health.
  6. The remainder, rest; that which is left, remnant; others; To pour or throw out, as water; lade out; bail; bail out; To draw, as water; drink in; To give bountifully; lavish; To run down or gutter, as a candle; To hang or flap down; To wash
  7. The rest, the remainder, the others.
  8. (Scot.) rest, remainder.
  9. sticks of head-dress