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lacerate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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lacerated, past participle; lacerating, present participle; lacerated, past tense; lacerates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Tear or deeply cut (something, esp. flesh or skin)
    • - the point had lacerated his neck
    • - his badly lacerated hands and knees
  2. (of feelings or emotions) Wound or injure
    • - an assertion calculated to lacerate nobody's feelings

  1. irregularly slashed and jagged as if torn; "lacerate leaves"
  2. cut or tear irregularly
  3. having edges that are jagged from injury
  4. deeply hurt the feelings of; distress; "his lacerating remarks"
  5. (laceration) a torn ragged wound
  6. (Lacerations) In medicine, a wound is a type of injury in which skin is torn, cut or punctured (an open wound), or where blunt force trauma causes a contusion (a closed wound). In pathology, it specifically refers to a sharp injury which damages the dermis of the skin.
  7. To tear, rip or wound
  8. (laceration) An irregular open wound caused by a blunt impact to soft tissue
  9. (Laceration) Also called a tear. Separation of skin or other tissue by a tremendous force, producing irregular edges.
  10. (Laceration) The splitting or tearing of the skin.
  11. (Laceration) A ragged tear of body tissues. [Click Here To Return To List]
  12. (Laceration) A rough, ripped wound; e.g. caused by barbed wire.
  13. (Laceration) A wound that is a jagged or irregular tear in soft tissue, which typically is deep and will bleed a lot. Word comes from Latin, meaning to tear.
  14. (Laceration) a type of wound to the body. Specifically, it is the tearing of the skin and sub-cutaneous (under the skin) tissues as a result of blunt impacts, such as being punched or banging the head onto another object.
  15. (laceration) a cut, tear, or ragged opening in the skin caused by an injury or trauma.
  16. (“Lacerations”) wound made by a tearing force.
  17. (Lacerations) rough, irregular wounds caused by crushing or ripping forces.
  18. (lacerations) Wounds inflicted by blunt objects such as clubs, pipes, and pistols; typically open and irregularly shaped, bruised around the edges, and bleeding freely.
  19. Hot surfers rip, shred, carve, tear, and lacerate. All slashing or cutting motions can be applied to a surfer who is going off in cooking* waves. Also shred, rip, tear, carve.
  20. appearing as if roughly cut or torn.
  21. Looking torn or cut irregularly.
  22. (leaf margin) - adj. with an irregularly torn margin. See illustration.