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kneel 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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knelt, past tense; knelt, past participle; kneels, 3rd person singular present; kneeling, present participle; kneeled, past participle; kneeled, past tense;
  1. (of a person) Be in or assume a position in which the body is supported by a knee or the knees, typically as a sign of reverence or submission
    • - they knelt down and prayed

  1. supporting yourself on your knees
  2. rest one's weight on one's knees; "In church you have to kneel during parts of the service"
  3. Kneeling is a human position in which the weight is distributed on the knees and feet on a surface close to horizontal.
  4. To stoop down and rest on the knee or knees
  5. (KNEELING) Displaying humility or reverence; being in awe of something / Feeling subservient, or acknowledging your dependence on something or someone / Feeling defeated
  6. (KNEELING) We bend the knee to T[he] G[reat] A[rchitect] O[f] T[he] U[niverse], in reverence to His all-comprehending love, and as a sign of gratitude for its exercise towards us. ...
  7. (Kneeling) A body position where both knees are on the floor, or a pad if one is provided, and one’s posterior is not resting on anything. All are required to kneel at Mass from the Sanctus to the Great Amen.
  8. (Kneeling) This is a position that can often get confused with w-sitting.  In fact I often have parents get concerned when their child sits like this. ...
  9. (Kneeling) This is a position where the shooter is only allowed to have their right knee, right toe and left foot touching the ground. This would be the exact opposite for a left-handed shooter.
  10. Sign begins like STAND and the DHFTs are bent into (2h)[V:].