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kipper 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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kippers, plural;
  1. Cure (a herring or other fish) by splitting it open and salting and drying it in the open air or in smoke

  1. A kippered fish, esp. a herring

  2. A male salmon in the spawning season

  1. salted and smoked herring
  2. A kipper is a whole herring, a small, oily fish, that has been split from tail to head, gutted, salted or pickled, and cold smoked.
  3. In medieval tournaments a kipper was a person employed by a knight, usually a vassal of the knight such as a slave, serf, or peasant. Kippers might also be fighters of non-knightly status, who therefore did not fight on horseback.
  4. Kipper (born Mark Eldridge) is a Grammy winning Guitarist, keyboardist and music producer, known mostly from his cooperation with Gary Numan and Sting. Kipper had his own band, One Nation. After releasing 2 albums with One Nation he joined the Gary Numan band playing guitar. ...
  5. Kippering (to kipper) means to preserve meat (fish, poultry, etc.) by rubbing with salt and/or spices, followed by drying in smoke or warm air. ...
  6. KIPPERS (Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings) is a term to describe individuals in their late twenties or early thirties that are living in their parent's homes. They may or may not be earning an income. Similar terms include Parasite single and Boomerang Generation.
  7. A split, salted and smoked herring; An RAF World War II code name for patrols to protect fishing boats in the Irish and North Seas against attack from the air; To prepare a herring or similar fish in that fashion
  8. fish cured by splitting, salting, and drying or smoking. A breakfast food in England, kippered herring is poached, grilled or baked.
  9. Noun. The face. E.g."Did you see the miserable kipper on that idiot stood at the back?" [Liverpool/North-west use.]
  10. an Aboriginal male who has been initiated into manhood; the ceremony in which such an initiation takes place.
  11. noun Colloquial. An adult child still living in the home of his or her parents, often as a result of pressure in the housing market. [singular backformation from the acronym KIPPERS (K(ids) I(n) P(arents') P(ockets) E(roding) R(etirement) S(avings)) perceived as a plural form]
  12. A tailoress. So called because they sought work in pairs to avoid unwelcome advances.