- kilogram: one thousand grams; the basic unit of mass adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; "a kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds"
- Kilo- (symbol: k, lowercase) is a unit prefix in the metric system denoting one thousand. For example: * one kilogram is 1000 grams * one kilometre is 1000 metres * one kilojoule is 1000 joules
* one kilobaud is a rate of transfer used primarily in telecommunications
* one kilobyte is equal to ...
- KILO is a radio station broadcasting in Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colorado. It also streams online at its website.
- Short form of kilogram; The letter K in the ICAO spelling alphabet
- A prefix used to indicate 1000 of the succeeding unit. (Kilo is also sometimes used as an abbreviation for kilogram.)
- A numerical prefix denoting 1000.
- A prefix indicating one (1) thousand.
- A prefix meaning 1000. When used to measure computer data, it means 210 or 1024, which is the power of 2 closest to 1000.
- A prefix that multiplies a basic unit by 1,000.
- The lower case letter k indicates the resistance being measured is displayed in kilo-ohms (thousand (10^3)). The prefix kilo- is from the Greek word khilioi "thousand".
- This is a unit of measure = 1,000. So 1,000 bytes is a KiloByte.
- 10^3. One thousand. See the Hacker's Dictionary for the full list of quantifiers.
- A thousand. For instance, a kilowatt (kW) is 1,000 watts of power. A kilowatt hour (kWh) is the energy produced by a 1 kW generator in 1 hour.
- A prefix meaning 1024 in computing terms. A kilobyte is therefore 1024 bytes. (Computing numbers are calculated in powers of 2, 2^10 in this case.)
- A kilo generally means 1,000, but we say a kilo is 2^10 = 1,024.
- a prefix used in the metric system of measurement to represent 1,000 (e.g., 1 kilogram (kg) = 1,000 grams, 1 kilojoule (KJ) = 1,000 joules).
- 1 kilo = 2.228lbs, measurement often used in powder blends.
- meaning 'thousand', as in kilogram or kilometer; see KLICK. Also, the word assigned to represent the letter "K" in the international phonetic alphabet; at various times in different spelling schemes, it has also been acrophonetically represented as King. See ALPHABET SOUP, PHONETIC ALPHABET. ...
- Literally 1000. In binary terms though 1 Kilobyte (Kb) is 1024 bytes.
- A metric unit representing 1000 (a thousand).
- prefix denoting thousands or 1,000 or 10 to the 3rd power.
- A multiplier indicating one thousand (1,000) of some unit. Abbreviated as k or K. When used to indicate a number of bytes of memory storage, the multiplier definition changes to 1,024. One kilobit, for example, equals 1,000 bits, whereas one kilobyte equals 1,024 bytes.
- the metric prefix for 10^3, or times 1,000
- Kilo is the greek prefix that means "thousand", as in kilobyte (KB), kilobit (Kb), kilowatt (KW), etc. Since computers use the binary number system, a "kilo" in the computer world is actually 1024 (2^10). See Mega.
- (1) Greek word meaning 1000. (2) Prefix in the international system of measurements. (Example: kilohertz, kilowatts, etc.)