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keelhaul 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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keelhauled, past tense; keelhauled, past participle; keelhauls, 3rd person singular present; keelhauling, present participle;
  1. Punish (someone) by dragging them through the water under the keel of a ship, either across the width or from bow to stern

  2. Punish or reprimand severely

  1. Keelhaul is a four piece progressive stoner metal/sludge metal band from Cleveland, Ohio. The members are Aaron Dallison (bass and vocals), Dana Embrose (guitar), Will Scharf (drums), and Chris Smith (guitar and vocals).
  2. Keelhauling (Dutch kielhalen ; "to drag along the keel"; German Kielholen; Swedish kölhalning; Danish kølhaling) is a form of corporal punishment meted out to sailors at sea. ...
  3. (nautical) To punish by dragging under the keel of a ship; To rebuke harshly
  4. (Keelhauling) A punishment where victims were tied to a rope hanging from a yardarm, then tossed into the sea and dragged under the ship's keel.
  5. (Keelhauling) A way of punishing sailors by tying them to a rope and dragging them across the bottom of the ship. ...
  6. punishment in which a person where dragged underneath the pirate ship from side to side and was lacerated by the barnacles on the vessel
  7. To be keelhauled today is merely to be given a severe reprimand for some infraction of the rules. As late as the 19th century, however, it meant the extreme. It was a dire and often fatal torture employed to punish offenders of certain naval laws. ...
  8. To haul a man under a vessel's bottom, by ropes at the yard-arms on each side. Formerly practised as a punishment in ships of war.
  9. formerly, to drag an offender from stem to stern beneath a ship's keel, a punishment which often proved fatal; but now meaning to rebuke severely. See ROCKS 'n' SHOALS, CAPTAIN'S MAST, UCMJ, BRIG, DRUMHEAD, GAUNTLET, OVER A BARREL, GARROTE, DEATH OF A THOUSAND CUTS, TWIST IN THE WIND, PAIN. ...
  10. horrific punishment involving being dragged under the ship - resulting in massive lacerations at best, drowning at worst
  11. to haul a person down through the water on one side of a ship, under the keel, and up on the other side as punishment or torture.
  12. a truly vicious punishment where a scurvy dog be tied to a rope and dragged along the barnacle-encrusted bottom of a ship. They not be survivin' this.
  13. to reprimand, scold, berate severely.