- the act of positioning close together (or side by side); "it is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors"
- (juxtapose) place side by side; "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"
- (Juxtapose (album)) Juxtapose is the fifth album by Tricky, in collaboration with DJ Muggs and Grease (Ruff Ryders & DMX producer). Two tracks with DJ Muggs find their way to the only single "For Real" ("Pop Muzik," a cover of the song by M) and the Japanese release ("Who"). ...
- The nearness of objects with no delimiter. (grammar) An absence of linking elements in a group of words that are listed together. (mathematics) An absence of operators in an expression; The extra emphasis given to a comparison when the contrasted objects are close together. ...
- (Juxtapositions) Of time, of space, of images - occur all the time. Photographic images do not do the Playa's unreality justice. Regular Burners know that there is no need to drink or drug at Burning Man, reality is strange enough!
- (Juxtapose) To place close together.
- (juxtapose) jux·ta·pose (jůk´ste-pozą) verb, transitive jux·ta·posed, jux·ta·pos·ing, jux·ta·pos·es To place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. [French juxtaposer : Latin iuxtâ, close by + French poser, to place (from Old French).]
- Places things of unequal importance side by side. It brings all the things down to the lowest level of importance on the list. ...
- (n.) the act of placing two things next to each other for implicit comparison (The interior designer admired my juxtaposition of the yellow couch and green table.)
- The arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development. See also antithesis, bathos, foil, mirror passage, and mirror scene.
- To place two different things side by side.
- the act of placing or positioning items in the image area of a photograph side by side or next to one another to illustrate some comparison.
- [juhk-stuh-puh-zish-uhn] - noun. An act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast. The photographer thought the juxtaposition of the turtle and the girl was artistic, but we thought it mildly ridiculous. [image source]
- Placing or being placed closed together.
- Placing two ideas (words or pictures) side by side so that their closeness creates a new, often ironic, meaning.
- An unorthodox overlapping of contrasting themes, phrases, or styles. For example, placing a classical violin passage in the middle of a honkytonk jam.
- The intercutting of two contrasting subject to point out the symbolic irony.
- (n) : state of being side by side, nearness
- a side-by-side placing of two or more images or words to create an artistic or literary impression
- the placement of two (often opposed) images on either side of an edit to create an effect.
- The deliberate contrast of characters, settings or situations for effect. The effect may be demonstration of character or heightening of mood.
- Juxtaposition is the placement of objects next to each other to create an effect. Ideally, the visual relationship itself will lead a viewer to draw conclusions about the images, sounds, or text that is juxtaposed. A good example of this is the popular show Lie to Me. ...
- When one image or shape is placed next to or in comparison to another image or shape.
- side by side placement of sentences or ideas to bring about a desired effect.
- Placing things next to each other to show a relationship.