- place side by side; "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"
- Juxtapose is the fifth album by Tricky, in collaboration with DJ Muggs and Grease (Ruff Ryders & DMX producer). Two tracks with DJ Muggs find their way to the only single "For Real" ("Pop Muzik," a cover of the song by M) and the Japanese release ("Who"). ...
- (juxtaposed) placed near together
- to place side by side, or unexpected combinations of colors, shapes and ideas
- jux·ta·pose (jůk´ste-pozą) verb, transitive jux·ta·posed, jux·ta·pos·ing, jux·ta·pos·es To place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. [French juxtaposer : Latin iuxtâ, close by + French poser, to place (from Old French).]
- The process of sampling two coffees side by side for comparison purposes.
- to place close together or side by side