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jolly 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jolliest, superlative; jollier, comparative;
  1. Happy and cheerful
    • - he was a jolly man full of jokes
  2. Lively and entertaining
    • - we had a very jolly time
  1. Encourage (someone) in a friendly way
    • - he jollied people along
    • - they were trying to jolly her out of her torpor
  2. Make someone or something more lively or cheerful
    • - ideas to jolly up a winter's party
  1. A lapstraked ship's boat that is smaller than a cutter, typically hoisted at the stern of the ship

  1. Very; extremely
    • - that's a jolly good idea

  1. a happy party
  2. gay: full of or showing high-spirited merriment; "when hearts were young and gay"; "a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company"- Wordsworth; "the jolly crowd at the reunion"; "jolly old Saint Nick"; "a jovial old gentleman"; "have a merry Christmas"; "peals of merry laughter"; "a ...
  3. kid: be silly or tease one another; "After we relaxed, we just kidded around"
  4. reasonably: to a moderately sufficient extent or degree; "pretty big"; "pretty bad"; "jolly decent of him"; "the shoes are priced reasonably"; "he is fairly clever with computers"
  5. jolly boat: a yawl used by a ship's sailors for general work
  6. (jolliness) jollity: feeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor
  7. Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. A variety of biological, psychological, religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources.
  8. Jolly is a famous Italian record company founded in 1958 by Walter Guertler.
  9. Jolly is a city in Clay County, Texas, United States. It is part of the Wichita Falls, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 188 at the 2000 census.
  10. a pleasure trip or excursion; To amuse or divert; Full of high and merry spirits; jovial; very, extremely
  11. A female given name; A surname
  12. (Jollying) Forming a pot between a revolving mold which shapes the outside and a template which shapes the inside. (1)
  13. To dream that you feel jolly and are enjoying the merriment of companions, you will realize pleasure from the good behavior of children and have satisfying results in business. If there comes the least rift in the merriment, worry will intermingle with the success of the future.
  14. Bookmakers slang for 'Favorite/Favourite'.
  15. Betting talk for the horse that is the race favorite.
  16. very. "I say, that Chutney Appetizer recipe is jolly good!''
  17. Clifford C. (1976): Report on the primate known as Oliver. Unpublished manuscript, 11 January 1976.
  18. Full of high spirits, joyous, given to conviviality, cheerful. Another oldie, although only since the 14th century. From the Middle English joli, which itself probably derived from Old Norse jōl,  the midwinter festival — which gave us the word Yule. ...
  19. adv. 1. Very, as in, ``It's jolly hard work.''
  20. Betting parlance for the favourite in an event.
  21. Full of high spirits. Many will say Santa is jolly and because fat people are fat like Santa they are also considered jolly when they are in high spirits. You may say “You sure look Jolly shaking your bowl full of Jelly.
  22. happy and cheerful: "It was the weekend and everyone was in a jolly mood."
  23. Like a Jigger but used in theproduction of cups.
  24. This is another name of the favorite of the race.
  25. [Brit. Informal] very; altogether.