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jitterbug 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jitterbugs, plural;
  1. Dance the jitterbug

  1. A fast dance popular in the 1940s, performed chiefly to swing music

  2. A person fond of dancing such a dance

  3. A nervous person

  1. do the jitterbug
  2. a jerky American dance that was popular in the 1940s
  3. Jitterbug can be used as a noun to refer to a swing dancer or various types of swing dances, for example, the Lindy Hop, Jive, and East Coast Swing. This has led to confusion within the dance community, since jitterbug can refer to different kinds of swing dances. ...
  4. Jitterbugs is a 1943 Laurel and Hardy feature film produced by Sol M. Wurtzel.
  5. A nervous or jittery person; A jazz musician or aficionado; An uptempo jazz or swing dance which embellishes on the two-step pattern and frequently incorporates acrobatic style swing steps; To dance the jitterbug
  6. ("jitterbugs") a nickname for the 5000-series cars, whose long, articulated bodies gave them a caterpillar-like appearance.
  7. Optimara variety belonging to the Little Dancer series. Compact African Violet (3-inch pot size) with frilled, bi-color flowers. Flowers are red with a white edge. Leaves are medium green. Introduced 1998. More information.
  8. A jumpy, jittery energetic dance or one who danced this dance during the swing period.Artie Shaw is a hot clarinet player. He sure has all of the "jitterbugs" jumpin'.
  9. Old wooden-body topwater lure with large metal lip. Makes a gurgle-type commotion when retrieved.
  10. a fast dance of the 1940s to swing music
  11. A form of the Lindy Hop that was made popular after World War II.
  12. a grate tamper for pushing coarse aggregate slightly below the surface of a slab to facilitate finishing. (See also tamper.)
  13. (obsolescent after the early forties) a frenzied jazz dancer, generally an adolescent.
  14. A lively dance for couples, usually done to swing music.
  15. a lively, improvisational, athletic style of dancing performed to syncopated music which originated in 1940's New York
  16. nervous tense anxious worried person.
  17. A lively social dance popular during the 1930's. It is a toned down version of a Lindy Hop.