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jitney 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jitneys, plural;
  1. A bus or other vehicle carrying passengers for a low fare

  1. bus: a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport; "he always rode the bus to work"
  2. Jitney is a play in two acts by August Wilson. The eighth in his Pittsburgh Cycle, this play is set in a worn-down gypsy cab station in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in early autumn 1977.
  3. a small bus or minibus which typically operates a service route; an unlicensed taxi cab; a share taxi; a small coin, a nickel; a fraudulent arrangement whereby a broker who has direct access to an exchange executes trades on behalf of a broker who doesn't
  4. Privately-owned, small or medium-sized vehicle usually operated on a fixed route but not on a fixed schedule.
  5. Four-wheel electric truck that carries baggage around inside a terminal. Also unregulated private automobile that carried passengers on public highways for 5-cent fare in direct competition with trolley cars
  6. An American term for a small bus or station wagon that carries passengers over a regular route on a flexible schedule. Usually with two facing seats along the sides behind a transverse front seat.
  7. noun – an old run-down vehicle.  Boy, that’s some jitney going down the road. Actually in the OED.
  8. a car employed as a private bus. Fare was usually five cents; also called a "nickel".