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jiggle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jiggled, past participle; jiggled, past tense; jiggles, 3rd person singular present; jiggling, present participle;
  1. Move about lightly and quickly from side to side or up and down
    • - his head jiggles up and down as he speaks
  2. Shake (something) lightly up and down or from side to side
    • - he was jiggling his car keys in his hand
  1. A quick light shake
    • - give that rack a jiggle

  1. joggle: a slight irregular shaking motion
  2. move to and fro; "Don't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!"
  3. a weak, shaking movement; To shake something gently; to rattle or wiggle; To shake, rattle, or wiggle
  4. (jiggling) A motion that jiggles